My Texas Sweetheart (book one)

My Texas Sweetheart (book one) by Pauliena Acheson

Book: My Texas Sweetheart (book one) by Pauliena Acheson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Pauliena Acheson
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you.” I walk over to hug him, and he hugs me hard. I know this is just as hard on him as it is me. After all, Chase was once Adam’s hero, too.
    “Maggie, its fine. I understand. Dad had no right to keep that from anybody, but he knew that it would break Mom…and you. It wasn’t that easy to read it. I’m pretty sure that Chase didn’t want any of us to see it.” Adam sighs.
    “I know. I should have thought of that before I yelled at you,” I say. Adam nods, but doesn’t say anything else.
    I look back at Jase , who’s looking out at the river with a sad look on his face. I walk over and give him a hug. He looks shocked for a second before he wraps his arms around me. “Thanks for the hug, beautiful, but why?” he asks. Oh, my god. Did…did he just call me beautiful? I ignore it for now.
    I smile up at him . “Because it looked like you needed one, too.”   He smiles at me, but says nothing.  The three of us just sit there and look out at the water.
    Jade , Creed, Mark, and Gabe soon join us and we all sit there. It’s like there is an unspoken communication between all of us, and we don’t want to break it. Hours must have passed before someone finally said something. “I say we go kick our brother’s ass home,” Creed says. We laugh and agree that we should.
    Jade jumped up like his butt was on fire . “I have an idea,” he said.   Okay, not sure I’m going to like this, but we wait for him to tell us what it is.
    “Well, what is it, Jade?” Creed asks with eyebrows raised.
    “I think we should play hide-and-seek.” He looks at us. “Hey, don’t give me that face. I’m serious.  It’ll be fun and we’re not too old,” he grumbles. It makes us all laugh.
    “Okay, I’m in. It sounds like fun,” I say. I look at everyone else and, after a second, they all nod and stand up.
    Jade star ts going over some rules about not going too far out, watch out for wild animals, blah blah blah. “Maggie, were you even listening?” Jade asks. I smile and shake my head, causing him to roll his eyes. I really don’t think anyone was listening to him, actually.
    Creed decides that he’ll be the one finding us first so the rest of us start running. I end up hiding with Mark because he grabs me and says that he has a great spot to hide…up in a tree. After about 25 minutes, my butt starts getting sore. “Is he ever going to find us? I wonder if he found the others,” I whisper.
    Mark looks down, then back at me. “God, I don’t know, but this sure as hell is taking forever,” Mark whispers back.
    We can hear Jade, Gabe, Creed, Adam , and Jase somewhere around the tree so Mark and I share a look. We both have big grins on our faces, waiting for them to look up. Mark elbows me and points. I look down to see that Adam and Jase are standing right under us, looking around. “Shit, where the hell are those two? I forgot how good they are at this game,” Adam says to Jase.
    Soon, they all are standing under the tree. “I’m going to kick their asses for hiding so good,” Creed says.
    Mark and I are both shaking our heads and muffling our laugher. “How can they not feel us staring at them?” I whisper in Mark’s ear. He just shrugs. God, my butt really hurts. Please, just look up already…geez.
    “Let’s go look over that way,” Jase says. God, how dumb can they be? I mean, Adam and Gabe should both remember this hiding spot. They all disappear from view.
    I look at Mark again . He’s shaking his head. “Try and get comfortable, baby girl. This might take all night,” Mark whispers. I lay down on the tree branch, and Mark does the same on his side. I can’t even see the stars. There are too many leaves in the way.
    Suddenly, I can hear Adam yell, “Fuck! Why didn’t I think about this before?! I know exactly where they are! Hey, dudes, get over here!”
    We hear all of them running towards the tree. “How’s the weather up there?” Gabe says.
    Grinning, I turn my head to see them

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