Natural Beauty
dollar in his jar before storming away.
did I say?


Chapter 11: Knotted

Knots: Knots of hair made by wrapping the hair around itself.
tip#10: To get the most stretch possible, try Bantu knots on dry hair.
was trying out a new hairstyle when I went into work that evening. Yeah, I said
evening. It was 6pm on a Friday night but I volunteered to set up a profile for
a new customer. That meant I had to create a whole new online identity for
someone. Sure I could have worked from home, but I decided that actually
leaving the house on a Friday night would make me look less pathetic.
my hair was in Bantu Knots. I had parted my hair and put in eighteen of those
little knots of hair. The cool thing about them was when you undo them in the
morning your hair has an awesome wavy texture to it. The uncool thing is that
the knots themselves are not very attractive sometimes. But I decided to make
it work. I added a pair of big hoop earrings and dressed in my skinny jeans, a
pair of cork-heeled sandals, and a fat pattern tunic. The whole effect was this
hippy chic look. I kind of stole the style from Marin, but I looked pretty good
if I do say so myself.
I arrived at the office, I was glad that I spent a few extra minutes on my
look. Trent Bishop was there. That's not to say that I need to look good for
him or anything, but let's face it, you never want to look busted in front of
someone of the opposite sex.
are you doing here on a Friday night?" I asked as soon as I stepped into
the office.
looked at me strangely. "I'm always here on Friday night. I have no
life." I expected him to laugh or something after that remark, but he
didn't. He was dead serious. "I like the quiet," he said after a
pause. I wasn't sure why he felt the need to explain further.
hour passed with neither of us speaking to each other. I decided to take a
break and snack on the cheese stick I brought. "Want some?" I asked
holding it up.
looked at me suspiciously for second. Did he think I poisoned it or something?
I guess he decided I didn't because he took it out of my hand and started
opening it.
then there we were sitting alone in an office nibbling on cheese sticks as if
we were kindergartners or something. Sitting in silence and eating seemed
stupid so I decided to start up a conversation.
you have no life," I said. "Me neither."
response. He just kept eating his cheese. It was awkward to say the least. "So, no girlfriend or anything? No plans to tie the
knot?" I don't know why I kept pushing him. Normally, I would have been
perfectly happy sitting in silence. I guessed I was just curious about him.
Even though he insisted that it "never happened", I still couldn't
forget about how he had concealed my crying in the bathroom. I just wanted to
know more about him. But from the way he seemed determined not to utter a
single word unless it was absolutely necessary, I was starting to think that
wouldn't happen.
people say love is blind," Trent said like ten minutes later. "In my
opinion, love is blind, deaf, and dumb." It took me a little while to
figure out what the heck he was talking about. It seemed so random, but then I
remembered that I had asked him about a girlfriend and tying the knot.
shook my head. "I swear , you are like a grumpy
little old man hiding in a young, sexy body."
think I'm sexy?"
Huh?" Crap. Did I say that out loud? "Whatever. I didn't say
that," I said feigning confidence and indignation. "Stop trying to
change the subject. The point is why are you so angry at love? Who chewed up
your heart and spit it out?"
didn't respond. He stared at his computer for a long while. I thought the
conversation was over until suddenly he said, "April."
it's July," I said thinking he had completely lost his mind. I honestly
had almost forgotten what we were talking about. Fortunately, he continued.
name was April. The one who chewed

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