and right and wants to know how to stop it. The buggane had some answers for me, so I’m glad I went. But he made more questions come up. So here I am, talking to you now, getting answers to those questions.” I threw my hands up in frustration. “It’s like it never ends around here – mysteries, questions, secrets ... ”
Céline looked down at the ground, unable to respond.
“Listen. It doesn’t help any of us fae to keep secrets from each other; don’t you get it? I almost had my head bitten off, literally, by the boogie monster you have locked in that room. I nearly blinded myself with my own powers yesterday. All of this is preventable shit. When are you going to let me into your inner sanctum of knowledge?!” My voice had steadily increased until I was nearly yelling. That’s why I was completely taken off guard when Céline started laughing.
“What?” I asked suspiciously. “What’s so funny?”
Céline fanned her glowing face, a smile plastered across it. “Nothing, nothing. Just your choice of words – inner sanctum of knowledge. Oh, how I wish we had one of those.”
“What? You’re all as clueless as me? I find that hard to believe.”
“No, not that. And for the record, you aren’t as clueless as you think you are. You just don’t trust your instincts enough and you don’t give yourself enough credit. If you had the confidence you should have, based on who and what you are, you would be able to muddle out most of the answers you need. All of the ingredients are around you and available to you. Mix them together and the answers will appear.”
“You sound like a witch making a brew.”
Tim said brightly, “Well, you do kinda look like Maggie the witch when you first wake up!”
I reached back to try and grab him but he swung out of the way on my ponytail.
Céline shrugged. “You may do better using a little magic, but I believe you are capable even without.”
“Well, I can’t use magic, so I guess I’m going to have to take the long way around.”
“Don’t be silly. You are an elemental. You are of the magic. The magic flows through you.”
I eyed her suspiciously. “It sounds like you’re telling me I can do witch spells.”
She smiled. “We have been telling you since the beginning – you are capable of great, great things. It is becoming clearer to us every day that you are our Mother. But we don’t expect you to learn everything in a month, a year, or even a decade. Trust me, it’s a lot to learn. Even the oldest among us doesn’t know all that you are capable of ... you’re a delightful mystery with many powers that all of us on the council look forward to discovering right along with you.” She smiled comfortingly at me.
“Not that old witch dude. He doesn’t like me at all.”
“Who Red? He’s not so bad. You just need to get to know him better. You’ll see. He’s a bit like Niles. Gruff on the outside, all soft on the inside.”
“Ha! Right!” I shook my head. “So about this buggane ... ”
“Yes. About the buggane.” She got serious again.
“He told me that he served with Chase, up in the Overworld . Is there any chance he could be confused about that?”
“I do not know the ways of the buggane. They are indeed tricky creatures. But I don’t believe he could lie to you. We were able to determine that he was, in fact, assigned to your protection by Chase or someone caring for Chase.”
I added it up as best I could. “Okay, so what you’re saying then, is if the buggane said it to me, it must be true?”
“True as far as the buggane knows. They are merely low-fae, so you must take that into consideration.”
“Low-fae. Ick! Gack!” said a disgusted Tim.
I ignored him. “Low-fae? What’s that? I’ve heard it before.”
“They are fae who don’t mix with the
Katie MacAlister
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