Project Ami

Project Ami by Emiel Sleegers

Book: Project Ami by Emiel Sleegers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emiel Sleegers
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tears in his eyes again. He wipes them away and pulls himself together. He tells Ami that they need to get out of here fast. ‘It won’t be long before they come to look at what is happening. This place is not safe anymore.’
    He helps Ami off the table, takes out a Mag from his pocket, and reloads his gun. Together, they then walk outside the room and into the hallway. They walk back in the direction of the food elevator. They pass through the hallway and around the corner to where Ryan killed the two guards. There they see three guards standing over the dead bodies, attempting to figure out what happened.
    Ryan makes one step too many and the guards hear it. They look over their shoulder and see Ryan and Ami. They grab their guns and immediately start to shoot.
    Ryan quickly shoots back and hits one of the guards. He then pulls Ami around the corner and quickly they run into one of the operation rooms. Not long after, they hear a loud alarm sounding.
    Ryan sets Ami down and tells her she needs to stay low.
    ‘What are we going to do?’ she asks.
    ‘To be honest, I don’t know. I think the only way to get through this is by shooting our way out.’ He checks his pistol and sees that he has only nine bullets left. He breaks a window in the door and prepares for the guards to come around the corner at any second. To his luck, the guards did not know that he was in the room, and instead they run around the corner without caution.
    Ryan starts to shoot at both of the guards. He manages to kill both of them with just one bullet each. He looks up and, to his surprise, sees there are no more guards coming. ‘Okay. Now or never,’ he says to Ami. He takes Ami’s arm and they get up and quickly walk, but with caution, through the hall. They walk around the corner, and Ryan sees the door he came through that leads to the food elevator. They quickly run to the door and arrive in the room.
    Ryan tells Ami to get in the food elevator. ‘I will be right behind you,’ he says.
    Ami climbs in the food elevator and Ryan presses the button for it to go up.
    Right at the moment the elevator goes up, Ryan sees two more guards who come running around the corner. He walks to the door and shoots one of them. The guard falls over, and the other guard quickly jumps back behind the corner. He starts to shoot at Ryan from behind the corner, and Ryan is forced to take cover behind the wall. He desperately looks to see if the elevator is already back, and hears that it is coming down. He waits for the elevator to come down, and then he shoots his last few rounds in the direction of the guard and quickly climbs in. He presses the button and the elevator slowly goes up. He sees the guard coming out of cover and the guard shoots a few rounds at Ryan. Luckily, they all miss, and Ryan goes up with the elevator.
    At the top, Ryan is back in the kitchen. He climbs out and quickly walks to the counter, where he picks up a wooden cutting board and blocks the elevator with it. He looks at Ami and sees that she is holding his backpack. Ryan grabs the backpack and tells Ami they need to find some clothes for her so that she can blend into the masses. He quickly runs into the living room in the hope of finding some clothes there. Ami follows him but becomes distracted by the cook dead in the corner.
    She asks Ryan, ‘What happened?’
    ‘He attacked me when I came in,’ Ryan responds. ‘I had no choice.’ Ryan continues to look around, but he cannot find anything they can wear. He then sees a door opening into a smaller room. He walks into the room, which appears to be a laundry room. He looks into the machines, and there he finds everything he needs in one go. He picks out a simple red dress for Ami and gives it to her. He also finds a jacket with a hoodie, which he puts on himself. They run to the entrance where Ryan first came in.
    Ryan opens the door just slightly and looks outside. He hears the alarm still sounding, and lots of people are

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