Regency Masquerade

Regency Masquerade by Vera Loy Page B

Book: Regency Masquerade by Vera Loy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Vera Loy
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attacker appears to have been waiting in my
room and struck John on the head when he came in.”
drew in his breath, disliking the thought that his friend had been in danger. 
“The Runners? No, perhaps not, as you say there is no evidence,” he paused,
wondered if you might be in a position to make enquiries about the Comte for
me?  But only if it’s no trouble,” he added hastily.
I could do that,” Carleton answered thoughtfully.  “I am going out of town tomorrow
for a short visit to my estate in Surrey, but I could arrange someone to
undertake a discreet investigation into the Comte for us while I am away.”
felt her heart drop at the news Carleton was going away.
she could say anything, he continued, “As a matter of fact, I’ve had an idea. 
Would you like to come with me?  The Comte would not be able to bother you
there.  I have some business to attend to but I could offer you riding and some
shooting while we are there.  I intend to be at Chatswood but a week or two –
‘t would give my agent time to find out what the Comte is about.  What do you
say?  Can you arrange your affairs?”   He looked at her.
found herself seriously considering the idea, to be sure there would be risks
in staying with Carleton but they would involve her reputation not her life. 
She certainly did not what to remain a sitting target at the Pelican for the
Comte to waylay at his pleasure.
a deep breath, she nodded, “Thank you my lord, I accept with pleasure, if you
are certain it would not be an inconvenience.”
smiled wryly, “It’s not all one sided I assure you, I shall be glad of your
company.  I leave tomorrow at ten – will that suit you?”
be here,” she promised, a little breathlessly.  She left shortly after to make
the necessary arrangements and found that her stomach was churning all the way
home with a mixture of fear and excitement.
made arrangements for John to stay on in his room at the Pelican but cancelled
her own as she needed to save the money.  Instead she left a small sum in the
care of Mrs Cobb to pay the nurse and for any medicines he might require.  She took
only two bags and packed both of them to take with her.  She wrote a careful
note of explanation to John and told the innkeepers she was going into the
country for a while to stay with a friend. Mrs Cobb looked rather taken aback
by this show of heartlessness but could hardly complain considering the
arrangements that had been made for Johns’ care.  “I suppose ‘tis more than
some gentlemen would do,” she admitted later to her spouse. “A real nurse to
look after him an’ all.”  Mr Cobb grunted.
o’clock the next morning found Frances loading her two bags into the coach
Carleton had hired to drive to Surrey.  His own four well-matched chestnuts
champed impatiently at the bit and his groom clung to the back.  As soon as
they left the crowded streets of London, Carleton set the horses along at a
brisk pace, eager to reach Chatswood by nightfall.  He handled the reins
expertly and Frances enjoyed watching him from her seat alongside.  At one
stage he offered her the reins but she declined, “I’ve never had much practice
my lord.  I’m not sure I could manage them and I am certain I could not keep up
this pace.”
that is one thing I can beat you at, eh?” grinned Carleton.  Frances smiled,
unruffled, and enjoyed the clean fresh air, breathing deeply. “It is wonderful
to get out of London for a few days, everything is so green in England!”
stopped to change the horses and have a quick bite to eat at an inn, but were
soon their way again.
is near a village called Selby,” explained Carleton as they drew nearer their
destination. “It has been in my family for about a hundred years, ‘tis a snug
property, not huge but big enough for my needs.  My nearest neighbour is

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