Road To Whatever (Perfect For Me Book 1)
friends. When they want something they go after it full steam. Like the band, it took her a while to figure things out but Kitty has fully committed to a band rehearsal schedule, mostly because we hold all rehearsals at her place now. It’s more than that though, she has written song after song and brought them to the band to see if we can add them to the set and we have worked through most of them.
    I would love to write with her but it just seems so intimate when it comes to making music with Kitty and I’m not sure my feelings will stay hidden if we go there. Hell I’m still trying to understand everything I feel for her before I make a fool of myself. Then there is still the fact that she is off limits because of the band.
    I have been finding more ways to get Mandy to be around when I am with Kitty. That has kept Mitch off my back, but I want more with Kitty. This past month has proven that to me. She has cried on my shoulder once. That dude Linc still won’t talk to her and she is torn up about it.
    I’ve wanted to do something for her that would take her mind off of him. I just haven’t put all the pieces together yet. I have been plotting to ask Mandy for help without really asking her. I’m hoping to get a chance tonight before Kitty decides she wants to leave.
    We finished a great set tonight and I know Kitty is only still here because Mandy begged her to hang out a little longer. She looks exhausted and I would have taken her home right after the set if she asked.
    “Hey Rage,” a voice purrs in my ear as I finish off another beer. I had been watching Kitty laugh at Mandy and Sleep. “You miss me?”
    I don’t have to see the face to know the voice or the name that belongs to it. I roll my eyes and turn to give Nancy a weak smile. Nancy is trouble, trouble that I once welcomed but I am not in the market for her type of trouble tonight.
    “Hey Nan,” I say tightly.
    “You guys were great tonight. Not sure why the new addition but she’s cool,” Nancy’s whiny voice is like nails on a chalkboard at this moment. I am not sure I like that comment about Kitty or the way she is looking at her.
    “Listen, I just want to relax a bit. I’ll talk to you another time,” I say as politely as I can. I notice Kitty is watching the two of us through her lashes. I am not comfortable with how close Nancy is.
    “Word is you haven’t been yourself lately Rage, I wanted to see if I can help,” Nancy purrs in my ear and flicks her tongue out against it.
    I notice Kitty’s eyes get wide as saucers and I know she’s seen what Nancy is doing. I pull away and pull Nancy’s hands off my arm and place them at her sides. I pull out some money to toss on the table and stand.
    “You ready Kitty,” I growl.
    “You can go without me,” Kitty shrugs looking between Nancy and me. “I don’t want to ruin your night.”
    “Babe, let’s go,” I rumble crooking my finger at Kitty.
    “Wait, wait, wait,” Mandy slurs, “Kitty, you didn’t tell me what you want to do for your birthday tomorrow.”
    “Shh,” Kitty hisses at Mandy.
    “It’s your birthday?” I ask. A little hurt that she didn’t tell me.
    “Wow, how did I forget that,” Crush groans looking down at his phone. “You guys can’t leave yet it’s not even midnight. We have to sing my girl happy birthday and shots are in order.”
    I shoot Crush a look when he calls Kitty his girl. It does not help that Nancy is still at my side rubbing against me like a cat. Kitty looks a little frustrated and I am not sure why.
    “Listen guys, I’m so tired right now. I just want to go home,” Kitty stands and begins to gather her things. She will not look in my direction now.
    “But we have to do something for your birthday,” Mandy whines.
    “Really,” Kitty whines back. “I’m not in the mood this year and … I’ll call you later okay? Listen Rage, you don’t have to see me home tonight. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”
    “Kitty, I am leaving with

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