Road To Whatever (Perfect For Me Book 1)
you,” I growl pushing pass Nancy and placing my hand on the small of Kitty’s back.
    I am pissed. She usually curls right into me when I touch her. Tonight she stiffens at my touch and starts to walk a little faster like she can’t wait to get away from me. I yank my car keys from my pocket and hand them to Kitty. She wraps her small hand around them making sure not to touch me.
    Once we are settled in the car I sit staring at the side of her face. She still looks frustrated, but somehow it brings a smile to my face. She so cute when she makes those little faces. I probably had too much to drink tonight and if I were thinking straight I’d make sure she gets home and I would sleep this off in the car, but I am not thinking straight. I never am when Kitty is around.
    “Babe,” I croon as she starts for her house.
    “Huh,” she answers.
    “Take me home first, okay,” I murmur. “Mandy or Crush can bring me to pick my car up tomorrow.”
    I have a plan. I want to spend Kitty’s birthday with her. I just have to make this work for me. Kitty just sighs taking the next turn to head to my place. I can see the wheels turning in Kitty’s head. I am beginning to know her as well as one of my siblings or one of my other band mates.
    “I want to bring your birthday in with you,” I say cautiously as we near my place.
    “Really… Rage it is not a big deal. I’m going to go home and get some sleep,” Kitty mumbles almost to herself.
    “Come on, I know you better than that. I have a bottle of tequila in the house. We can celebrate and have a shot for every reason your boy is a douche for not making up with you for your birthday,” I offer.
    Kitty’s gasp is audible as a tear slides down her cheek. “You don’t have to babysit me Rage. If you want to call that girl – .”
    I reach for her face to wipe away her tears. “I am right where I want to be Kelly. I left with you, now get your butt out of the car and come have a drink with me for your birthday. We have about five minutes to get inside.”
    “Okay,” she sniffles and smiles.
    Kitty walks ahead of me already knowing which key to use to get in my place. There has been a time or two when she has helped to get me in the house. I watch her hips sway from side to side in the too short miniskirt she has on. It hugs her hips in a way that makes me so jealous. She is wearing a blue corset to match her now blue streaks.
    In a perfect world I would press myself against her back while she unlocks the door. I’d splay my hand against her stomach as I sample her shoulder to see if it tastes as good as it looks. The itch in my hands that I can’t satisfy reminds me this world is not perfect at all, but I have to be close to her.
    I place a hand on her hip and let my breath brush her skin as I stand close and stare down at her. I feel her stiffen like earlier and I curse myself for forgetting something has changed tonight. I refuse to let it though; we’ve come too far in the last few weeks. I move closer to her as she fumbles with the lock.
    Sliding my hand over hers I whisper in her ear making sure my lips brush her skin. “Looks like you can use some help.”
    “Rage, you had a lot to drink already maybe this is not a good idea,” she says as she looks up at me biting her lip.
    I push her forward with one hand still on her waist. “We are getting hammered together Kitty so give it up, happy birthday babe.”
    “Fine, get the bottle,” she sighs putting her purse down and heading for my couch.
    I get two shot glasses and the tequila I promised. I had this bottle with Kitty in mind so tonight is the perfect night to put it to use. If I am lucky Crush won’t show up until hours from now if not tomorrow some time. I pour our first shots and hold one up.
    “Happy birthday Kelly, to friends that always put you first,” I croon.
    She throws back her shot with a wince, and then wipes one hand across her mouth and the other she uses to wipe at a stray tear. She

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