Royal Secrets
    “I will. Thank you.” Stefano watched him leave then pressed a hand against the door to make sure it was closed. He looked down to see the now empty glass still gripped in his hand. Frustration, disappointment, denial all bubbled up inside him as he heaved the glass across the room and watched it and his future shatter against the wall.

Chapter 7
    Janessa startled awake when the plane touched down. She shifted in her seat, the soft leather giving beneath her as she stretched her arms above her head and tried to shake the sleep out of her brain. She glanced over at Garrett sitting beside her, a thick file open in his lap, and asked, “Are you going to tell me where we are now?”
    “Andrews Air Force Base.”
    “We’re in Maryland?” She turned toward the window and looked at the green rushing by them as King Eduard’s private jet slowed and then began taxiing off the runway. “Why didn’t you tell me we were coming to the DC area? If I had known we were going to be so close to CIA headquarters, I would have brought the paperwork with me that Director Palmer asked for yesterday.”
    “We aren’t going to CIA headquarters,” Garrett told her. “I have some meetings at the White House today, and then tomorrow we’re going to escort your sister’s family back to your parents’ home in Iowa for the weekend.”
    “What?” Janessa stared at him wide-eyed. “Does Mary know about this?”
    “Of course. She’s the one who mentioned she wanted to bless her baby in Iowa so all your family could be there for it.”
    “Yeah, but I doubt she mentioned that in the hope that we would pick her up in your father’s private plane and take her there.”
    “She didn’t seem opposed to the idea.”
    Janessa had to laugh. “This is a wonderful surprise. Thank you.”
    “You’re welcome.” Garrett smiled back at her. The plane came to a stop, and he motioned toward the restroom. “Did you need to freshen up before we go to the White House?”
    “Actually, I think I’d prefer to go straight to my sister’s house,” Janessa said. “Although I probably should swing by CIA headquarters first.”
    “You can’t go to CIA headquarters.”
    “What? Why not?”
    “First of all, someone might see you, and we definitely don’t want the press to get wind that my fiancée is a spy.”
    “I’m not a spy.”
    “Close enough.” Garrett waved away the triviality between spies and intelligence officers . “Besides, Director Palmer will be at the White House to meet with you while I meet with your president.”
    “You’re meeting with the president?” Janessa asked. “Why?”
    “Just some final details that need to be ironed out before construction starts on the new naval base next week.”
    “I thought the agreement was already signed.”
    “It was. My father just wants a few of the legal points clarified. Besides, it was the perfect excuse to be able to bring you to the U.S.”
    “Any idea how long our meetings are supposed to last?”
    “Probably all afternoon,” Garrett told her. “After we finish with our meetings, we’ll have time to change for dinner with the president tonight. Then, tomorrow morning, your sister and her family will meet us at Andrews Air Force Base, and we’ll fly into Des Moines.”
    “Aren’t we staying at Mary’s house tonight?”
    Garrett shook his head. “We’re staying at the White House tonight.”
    “What?” Janessa’s eyes widened. She considered for a minute what an honor it was to be invited to spend the night in the president’s home, but then reality set in. She didn’t know the president. She hadn’t even voted for him. Given the choice, she would definitely prefer to spend those precious few hours in her sister’s company. “Garrett, that’s very generous of the president to let us stay there, but I really would rather stay with my sister.”
    Garrett looked at her, apparently surprised that she wasn’t excited about the prospect of sleeping

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