Royal Secrets
you asked for. I’m afraid Garrett didn’t tell me where we were going until we landed.”
    Director Palmer nodded as a smile crossed his face. “I haven’t heard of any problems in Meridia over the past few weeks. Is it safe to assume you haven’t broken anyone’s nose lately?”
    Janessa chuckled and shook her head. An unfortunate incident in Paris a few years ago had grown into a running joke within the Agency. “No, not lately. I’ve been trying to control my temper.”
    “Good to hear. How are the security plans going for the naval base?” Director Palmer asked as he settled back into his chair. “Are we still expecting to break ground on Thursday?”
    “We are.” Janessa nodded. She gave him the updated timelines and took the time to discuss a few other security matters.
    “You’re doing a good job over there,” Director Palmer told her. “Is there anything new about Prince Stefano’s accident?”
    “The findings are inconclusive, but the police chief still suspects foul play.”
    “Our analysts have expressed similar concerns,” Director Palmer admitted. “We think it’s possible that someone was trying to eliminate a member of the royal family and make it look like an accident.”
    “To what end?” Janessa asked, mulling over the information. “Stefano isn’t king yet, and all indications are that Eduard will continue to rule for many more years.”
    “Yes, but if the attempt had been successful, the succession to the crown would be altered.”
    “Garrett would be next in line,” Janessa said slowly. “Surely you don’t think Garrett would hurt his own brother.”
    “No, not at all.” Director Palmer shook his head.
    “Have our analysts expressed any concern about Garrett’s extended family?”
    “Nothing of significance.”
    “Would it be possible for me to get copies of the dossiers on Elam, Victoria, and Philippe?”
    “Has something happened to cause you concern, or do you just want to check up on your future in-laws?”
    “Some comments have been made about that side of the family living beyond their means,” Janessa admitted, certain this information would not be anything new to the CIA. “I would feel better if I had a clearer picture of what their situation is like in case there are any vulnerabilities that could be exploited.”
    “I’ll make sure you get copies of our files, but there is another angle you need to consider.”
    “What’s that?”
    “Have you heard of Caspar Gazsi?”
    Janessa shook her head. “Who is he?”
    “He’s the president of Caspian Oil.”
    “Isn’t that the Libyan company that petitioned for the rights to drill for oil off the coast of Meridia?”
    “That’s right.” Director Palmer nodded. “He owns a residence in Meridia just outside Medina. He is also a known supporter of Liberté, a small faction in Meridia that’s showing strong anti-American tendencies.” He took a photograph out of his file and slid it toward her. “We’re concerned that this group might try to use the construction of our naval base and Prince Garrett’s engagement to an American to trigger civil unrest in Meridia.”
    “In Meridia?” Janessa’s eyebrows drew together. “That’s crazy. Meridia is a peaceful country, full of loyal citizens, most of whom are pro-American.”
    “Yes, but almost 90 percent of those citizens are also loyal members of the Meridian Church,” Director Palmer pointed out. “If something did happen to Prince Stefano, how do you think they would feel if they found out their future king and queen were both Mormon?”
    Janessa’s eyes widened. “What?”
    Director Palmer gave her a knowing look. “We’ve known for some time that Prince Garrett was interested in your religion. I realize his baptism isn’t yet public knowledge, but it’s possible that someone is planning on using that information against you.”
    “How did you know Garrett is LDS?” Janessa asked now. “Only his immediate family and a small handful

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