Royal Secrets
at the White House. Then he let out a sigh. “I’m sorry, Janessa, but it isn’t an option. It isn’t safe.”
    “Wait a minute.” She held up a hand. “You’re telling me that it isn’t safe for me to visit my own sister?”
    “Not without a lot of advance planning.” He shook his head, his expression sympathetic. “I know that being in the spotlight is still pretty new to you, but the press alone would cause too big of a security concern for you to stay anywhere that isn’t secure. Besides, the police still haven’t finished their investigation into Stefano’s accident.”
    She was silent for a moment as she considered Garrett’s words. “What about when we go to Iowa? We will be able to stay with my family there, won’t we?”
    Garrett nodded. “Our visit to your family’s farm isn’t on our official itinerary. Besides, we won’t have as many security concerns out in the country as we would in DC.”
    A sigh escaped her, and she nodded. “You know, I don’t think I like being the person being protected very much. I much prefer being the person doing the protecting.”
    “I know. It’s an adjustment.” Garrett stood up. “Are you ready to go smile for the cameras?”
    Janessa rolled her eyes. “Maybe I will take a minute to freshen up.”
    * * *
    He leaned back in his leather executive chair and read the single sheet of paper before looking up at his associate. “How reliable is this information?”
    “Very.” The other man spoke in hushed tones. “I verified it myself.”
    “A Mormon prince.” He shook his head, the hint of a smile forming.
    “You realize this changes everything.”
    “Perhaps.” He tapped a finger on the side of his chair, considering. He had waited patiently for his dues, for the position of responsibility he had trained for. For so long he had been denied that right. Now, finally, things were about to change.
    “If we wait to release this until right before we follow through with our other plans, we might not need to eliminate Prince Garrett. It’s possible his choices will alienate him from his subjects at the same time everyone discovers Prince Stefano can’t do his duty,” he said. “One or two well-placed phone calls to the media will destroy the royal family, and no one will ever know who was behind it.”
    “But King Eduard would still be in power, and the U.S. navy would likely maintain their presence here. Besides, we can’t be certain how the public will react. We need to make sure we have a backup plan in place.”
    Dark eyebrows lifted over equally dark eyes. “Are you certain that once we follow through with our plans, the public will embrace everything we have to offer? You are deliberately creating chaos here in Meridia.”
    “Chaos is necessary before the calm.” He smiled charmingly. “Patience, my friend. Everything will happen when the time is right.”
    * * *
    Janessa clutched the strap of her briefcase with one hand as she followed a White House aide down a wide hallway in the west wing. The past several hours had been completely surreal, starting with Garrett escorting her onto his father’s private jet and continuing right up to being greeted by the White House chief of staff when they arrived a few minutes ago. Then again, life for her had hardly fallen into the normal category since meeting Garrett last spring.
    The young man escorting her stopped and pushed a door open for her. Then he motioned her inside.
    “Thank you,” Janessa said to the aide before stepping in where the director of the Central Intelligence Agency was sitting at a conference table reading through files.
    Director Palmer stood and reached out to shake her hand. “Hello, Janessa.”
    “Director Palmer.” Janessa smiled warmly at the gray-haired man in the tailored suit. “How are you, sir?”
    “I’m well, thank you.” Director Palmer motioned to the conference room chair beside him. “Please, sit down.”
    “I’m sorry I don’t have those reports

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