Scarlet Woman

Scarlet Woman by Shelley Munro

Book: Scarlet Woman by Shelley Munro Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shelley Munro
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance
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Just as the door opened, she tugged the sheet Saber had retrieved from the floor over her head and shut her eyes. Maybe Maggie would go away?
    “What have you done with my friend? Where is she?” Maggie demanded.
    “I haven’t done anything with her.” Saber’s voice held a hint of amused arrogance. 41
    Shelley Munro
    That wasn’t true , Emily thought, chewing on her bottom lip. Each time she moved, she felt the pull of well-used muscles. And his erection pressing against her had woken her libido so much that she wanted him again. Her pulse hummed in sexual awareness. But he’d done more than make love to her. He’d changed the way she thought about herself. The words Michael had screamed at her weren’t true. She was capable of attracting a man. A smug grin curved her lips when his cock twitched. And keeping his attention.
    “She’s in that bed with you, isn’t she?” Maggie snapped. “I’m not stupid. I can see there are two bodies in that bed.”
    “I love an intelligent woman,” one of Saber’s brothers said.
    “Me too,” another agreed. “A brain is a sexy thing. I think I might be falling in love,” he added in a dramatic tone.
    “Oh, shut up!” Maggie snarled in a very Michael-like growl. Emily trembled, knowing in her gut that her friend was going to hate her when she found out. Maybe she’d just go away? Please let her go away.
    The sheet was yanked off the bed, leaving them both visible. Emily gasped in shock and tried to make herself small. Saber calmly replaced the sheet and tucked it around them.
    Sly walked up to Maggie, trying to divert her. “Why don’t we discuss this over coffee? Let Saber and Jo get dressed.”
    “I’ll be out in the kitchen,” the policeman said. “Doesn’t look like a crime scene to me.”
    Color surged to Emily’s cheeks and seeped down to her chest. One perfect night of passion. That’s all she’d wanted. But even that had gone awry, turning into a fiasco of gigantic and embarrassing proportions. It took two hands to count the number of people who had seen her naked this morning. She scrunched up, trying to make herself small.
    Scarlet Woman
    “I’m sorry I dragged you out here,” Maggie said in a stiff voice. Emily cringed at the dark glare her friend fired at her. “I can’t believe you’d treat Michael’s memory in this way. He’s barely cold in his grave. You’re just a…a slut!”
    “No, you don’t understand. Michael and I…” Emily trailed off when she saw Maggie had made up her mind. No matter what she said to excuse her actions, Maggie would think she’d lied and was besmirching Saint Michael’s memory. For all his selfishness, Michael had been a good brother to Maggie, giving his help and money when she’d needed it. Without any questions or recriminations either. It was no wonder Maggie had adored him and was upset with Emily’s wanton behavior.
    “Look at you. You’re sitting there naked in his arms with not a shred of shame.”
    “Your friend is here of her own free will,” the policeman said. “That’s all I need to know.”
    “So it would seem,” Maggie snapped.
    “That’s it. Everyone out,” Saber ordered.
    When Maggie turned to go, Emily leapt up and seized the sheet, dragging it off the bed and wrapping the cotton around her to cover her nakedness. “Listen to me, Maggie. Michael was leaving me on the morning he died. He was having an affair with his secretary.”
    “That’s a lie.” Maggie’s mouth twisted in an ugly sneer. “You’re despicable saying that when he’s not here to defend himself.”
    “No,” Emily said, her voice hard. “It’s the truth.”
    “Michael wouldn’t do that. You’re lying. God, I never thought you’d stoop so low. I thought you were my friend.” With a sob, Maggie turned and ran out. The room emptied like magic, leaving Emily alone with Saber. She couldn’t look at him, didn’t want to see his expression. All this mess because she’d wanted a single night

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