Shadows Bear No Names (The Blackened Prophecy Book 1)

Shadows Bear No Names (The Blackened Prophecy Book 1) by Oganalp Canatan Page A

Book: Shadows Bear No Names (The Blackened Prophecy Book 1) by Oganalp Canatan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Oganalp Canatan
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Science will always be in conflict with organized religion, Charles. They ask people to believe in things and then someone in a white coat proves all they said was a lie or a misconception.”
    Evans nodded. “That discovery changed our understanding of creation but also created the demons like those religious Cosmon Brotherhood freaks. Terrorists.”
    “There will always be demons, Charles.”
    Like us. Evans looked at the photo for a few seconds more before putting it back. “Have you informed Eberhardt?”
    “He is awaiting you in his office,” Vice President Otto answered. “I do not know how he will want to handle this, Charles.”
    “What are you trying to say?”
    “Loss of a dreadnought is a big deal. I do not believe Eberhardt is too happy about it.”
    “No one is.”
    “You know what I mean. Consortium is the seat of power, order. We control the trade, we control the military and practically anything major around these parts.” Vice President Otto sighed, “Now, a rivalry between other mega corporations and us would be the usual deal, one we are battling for decades. The religious side of things however…”
    “I am not about to create the risk of that Cosmon maniac using this and claiming it is judgment day with his mad prophecies, Otto. They are silent now and we all know it is for the best.”
    “Well, Eberhardt is waiting.”
    Evans knew where Otto was going. Charles Evans was nothing but a pawn of Consortium. He was playing ball with the major players but he wasn’t one of the big fish in the bowl. Both the trade cabinet and the company would be more than happy to leave Evans behind if it helped them cover the situation up. No matter what, the power always stayed with the company.
    “All right Mr. Otto , let us go and pay a visit to your boss.”
    “Please, do not take it personally, Charles. It is politics.”
    “Is it, Otto?”
    “Worst-case scenario would be your resignation, or perhaps relocation to another office.”
    “You need someone to take the fall. I suppose you will be taking over my sector of operations?”
    “Just politics.” A knock on the door interrupted them.
    “What is it?”
    It was Evans’ clerk. “Sir, your shuttle is ready.”
    “You do not get it, Evans. You have to consider your options wisely here.”
    “Oh, please share your wisdom Mr. Eberhardt!” Evans played with his jacket pockets. “You want a scapegoat.”
    “Perhaps,” the old man agreed, “but you are missing the point.”
    “Am I now?”
    The plump Consortium boss took another sip of bourbon. “Look, if the word of an active alien artifact spreads, we will lose what control we have over the people. You yourself are aware of this risk.”
    “It took three decades to stabilize the mass confusion after the Titan discovery, Charles,” Vice President Otto added. “You know the history as well as we do.”
    “What will you accomplish by being stubborn, hmm?” Eberhardt asked. “Resign the office, accept responsibility, and lay the ground for us to cover this up.”
    “Then what?”
    Eberhardt took another sip and set his glass on the Brazilian mahogany table. “Well, we can figure out something for your future,” he said with a sly grin. “A consultant position. All you have to do is collect your paycheck at the end of the month.”
    “There is also a hefty pension,” Vice President Otto added.
    “No, I mean the ring and Novosibirsk .”
    “We will continue our investigation.” Eberhardt shrugged. “And move forward with the initial research plan of the alien artifact.”
    “You mean you will keep the thing for yourself.”
    “It is a competitive environment, Evans. We need to keep our edge. We may run the Core Systems but the Consortium is not the only corporation or the center of power out there. You know the players and the stakes as well as I do. The space is a big place. Any technological breakthrough we might have could very well be the edge to win this power struggle

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