tea and scones with homemade jam and cream and a berry Pavlova for dessert.
It was pretty much perfect.
Travis’s mum, Laura, and Ma talked and talked, and Mr Craig and George talked farming, making plans for their week-long stay. Nugget rolled and did burn-outs in the dirt while me and Trav kicked back with our bare feet up. We watched our families all laughing and smiling, and he took hold of my hand. “I thought you said you didn’t do anything special for Christmas.”
“We don’t normally. Nothing fancy anyway. Just this.”
“Charlie, this right here is perfect.”
“I was just thinking the same thing.”
“Why did you do it?” he asked. “Fly my parents out here?”
“Remember on December first, you asked about putting up a Christmas tree? And I kinda laughed, because well, we haven’t done that in years.”
“Well, your face… you were disappointed. You tried to hide it and you acted like you didn’t care, but I could tell you did.”
“You flew my parents here from the States because I looked disappointed?”
I nodded. “Yep. I never want to disappoint you, Travis,” I said quietly. “And doin’ stuff to make your partner happy is what being in a relationship is all about, yeah? And it was your first Christmas here. I wanted you to be happy. That’s all.”
He gave me that God-I-love-you look. He leaned in close, so only I could hear him speak. “Charlie, just so you know, you’re getting so lucky tonight.”
It made me laugh. “Merry Christmas to me.”
He smiled and sat back in his chair, keepin’ a hold of my hand. He watched his momma laugh at something Ma said, and Trav let out one of his contented sighs. “I think this is my best Christmas yet.”
“Mine too, Trav.” He really had no idea just how true it was. “Mine too.” Merry Christmas to me, indeed.
~The End.
About the Author
N.R. Walker is an Australian author, who loves her genre of gay romance.
She loves writing and spends far too much time doing it, but wouldn’t have it any other way.
She is many things: a mother, a wife, a sister, a writer. She has pretty, pretty boys who live in her head, who don’t let her sleep at night unless she gives them life with words.
She likes it when they do dirty, dirty things… but likes it even more when they fall in love.
She used to think having people in her head talking to her was weird, until one day she happened across other writers who told her it was normal.
She’s been writing ever since…
Also by N.R. Walker
Blind Faith
Through These Eyes (Blind Faith #2)
Blindside: Mark’s Story (Blind Faith #3)
Ten in the Bin
Point of No Return – Turning Point #1
Breaking Point – Turning Point #2
Starting Point – Turning Point #3
Element of Retrofit – Thomas Elkin Series #1
Clarity of Lines – Thomas Elkin Series #2
Sense of Place – Thomas Elkin Series #3
Taxes and TARDIS
Three’s Company
Red Dirt Heart
Red Dirt Heart 2
Red Dirt Heart 3
Red Dirt Heart 4
Cronin’s Key
Cronin’s Key II
Cronin’s Key III
Exchange of Hearts
Free Reads
Sixty Five Hours
Learning to Feel
His Grandfather’s Watch (And The Story of Billy and Hale)
Translated Titles
Fiducia Cieca (Italian translation of Blind Faith)
Attraverso Questi Occhi (Italian translation of Through These Eyes)
Confiance Aveugle (French translation of Blind Faith)
A travers ces yeux: Confiance Aveugle 2 (French translation of Through These Eyes)
Aveugle: Confiance Aveugle 3 (French translation of Blindside)
Coming Soon
The Spencer Cohen Series: Book 1
Nina Bangs
Minx Malone
Red Angel
Cara Adams
Leila Brown
Sarah Fisher
Alyson Raynes
Mallory Monroe
George Packer
Poynter Adele