A Prideful Mate
females related?”
    Quinn nodded.
    “Why do you have dark hair like Adrian? You don’t smell like a wolf,” Quinn asked, staring at him.
    “I’m a black jaguar. Some call us panthers.”
    “I wanna see you shift,” Chase said, staring at him with familiar gold eyes.
    “Don’t pester my mate none, you little cubs,” Kevin said beside him.
    Shit, they were loud.
    Amber Kell
    “Quiet, fur balls, my mate isn’t used to your noisy ways.” Payce mouthed a ‘thank you’ to Kevin’s knowing gaze.
    “Sorry,” they said together.
    “That’s all right.” Payce clutched at the coffee like a lifeline, gulping down the bitter liquid. Maybe if he had more he’d be perky enough to deal with little lions. He looked at the bouncy children.
    He might need a vat.
    “Go get ready for schoolin’,” Kevin said, giving his children slaps on the ass.
    “All right,” Quinn said, giving him a lingering look. He could tell the child had reservations about having another person in his father’s life, but was too well bred to say it.
    Chase was a different matter. The little sprite walked around the bed and carefully kissed him on the cheek.
    “Welcome, Daddy-mate.” Chase ran off, giggling.
    Quinn gave him a careful glance before turning to follow his brother.
    “Quinn, greet my mate properly,” Kevin’s growl had his son doing an about face.
    Straightening his spine, the child faced Payce with the bravery of an adult lion.
    “Welcome to the pride, mate of my father,” the child said formally.
    “Thank you, Quinn,” Payce responded.
    The boy looked at his father, and with a nod from Kevin relaxed.
    “Go on now and get ready for school.”
    The child escaped as if the hounds of hell were on his heels.
    “You can’t make him like me,” Payce told his mate.
    “He don’t have to like ya, but he has to show some respect.” Payce didn’t know what to say.
    Turned out he didn’t have to say anything as Kevin spent the next hour showing him all the delightful ways you can eat breakfast off another man’s body.
    * * * *
    Kevin had to make some business calls, leaving Payce on his own. He still didn’t know what his mate did for a living.
    Amber Kell
    Wandering aimlessly he found himself heading to the same place most people did when visiting, the kitchen.
    He found the dark-haired wolf leaning over a small journal.
    Bright blue eyes examined him with interest. “Hi.” Payce got a welcoming megawatt smile.
    “I’m Adrian, we didn’t really get to meet yesterday.” The man came forward, holding out his hand.
    Payce felt the spark of power when their hands touched. Despite his size, Adrian had a really strong animal spirit. He saw something powerful move beneath those bright green eyes before his hand was released.
    The wolf had examined him and decided he wasn’t a danger. Payce was glad in that moment the other man was already mated.
    Mr. Friendly-Green-Eyes was dangerous.
    Swallowing to get some moisture back in his throat, Payce looked around the room. It was an enormous gourmet kitchen with the lingering smell of bacon and eggs.
    “Nice kitchen.”
    Adrian laughed. “Yeah, but none of the lions really like cooking.”
    “Yeah. I bake when I’m stressed.”
    “Why are you stressed?” What the hell could stress a wolf like this?
    “Hmm.” Adrian looked up from his book and shrugged. “I’m a game designer. Right now I’m stuck on a programming glitch, my deadline is right around the corner and my mate is out of town. I’m always calmer when Talan’s here.” Payce sat on the kitchen barstool. Close enough to talk but far enough he wouldn’t get in the way. Payce wasn’t a cook. His life subsisted of take out, but he liked to watch other people in the kitchen. There was a sort of ballet done by a good chef.
    “What are you going to make?”
    Amber Kell
    “I can’t decide.” Adrian

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