Don what actually was going on, away from Hannah’s ears. Especially after the conversation he’d had with the bank earlier. It hadn’t taken Don long to get the bank contact information. The rest had been left to Mark to handle. It was convenient that she used a local bank which meant dealing with people who were in charge and could make decisions. The one problem with that was a small town meant people knew and said more than they should. Mark was able to obtain the information regarding how far behind she was on her mortgage as well as why. She’d been struggling for longer than he’d thought, taking on debts that weren’t hers, and never taking a handout of any kind. Sweet, stubborn Hannah. You may think you won the battle, but trust me, I’ll win the war. Her unwillingness to accept his help wasn’t going to happen. Many people might let that deter them, but he never let anything come between him and a successful mission. And saving your family home has just become my personal mission . Don pulled up in an old beat-up truck. “Where the hell did you get that?” “You said I’d be working for peanuts, so I bought this off a peanut farmer the next town over. What do you think?” That you’re nuts. “It suits you. You should drive it more often,” Mark said while laughing. Don pointed to the Jeep. “Is that why you took Bessy on this road trip?” “You know she and I go way back.” “Yeah, too long if you ask me. Every time I see you pull up in that green thing you call a vehicle I cringe.” “You’re just jealous because you rolled yours when we went four-wheeling.” “That was a damn good time. Sounds like a better vacation than what you have planned for me here. Want to talk while we can?” You know it. “Did you get things set up at the hardware store?” “That’s why I’m here so late.” Not the only reason I’m sure. “Excellent. We’re going to need it. Don, you’ve no idea what work we have ahead of us.” “Worse than the last job we did in Buffalo together?” “Makes it look like a walk in the park.” “Tell me again why we’re not using a crew?” “Because I don’t want her to know we’re funding this.” Don shook his head. “So you think she’s going to believe that the two of us are so hard up on our luck that we’re willing to do all this work for room and board only? And that the store is running one hell of a special deal right now, and her supplies are dirt cheap?” Not when you say it like that. “Leave that to me. You’re here to make sure it can be pulled off. If anyone can make this place livable, it’s you.” “Great. No pressure.” That’s what was nice about having Don help. They might not have worked together on any projects for the last three years, but it was like old times as soon as they connected. He wouldn’t bring additional stress. In fact having him around meant one less thing Mark needed to worry about. Don is someone who will ask questions, but not flip out if he isn’t given any answers. Mark and Don sat on the porch far from the door in case Hannah decided to come out and join them. The last thing he needed was for her to overhear their conversation. She already wasn’t going to be happy, but Mark planned on being long gone before she caught on to what transpired. It was going to be too late by then. He informed Don what the bank said. “Even if she fixes this place up she might lose it? So what’s the point? Just tell her the truth and be done with it.” “Don. She lost her father about a year ago. I know we see a money pit, but this was . . . is her family’s home. When she talked about it, I could see she wasn’t ready to let go yet. And I’m not going to let a bank or anyone else tell her she has to before she’s ready. Hannah needs someone to fight for her, even if she doesn’t want to admit it.” Don looked at him questioningly. “You of all people know you can’t save