Sweet Contradiction

Sweet Contradiction by Peggy Martinez Page B

Book: Sweet Contradiction by Peggy Martinez Read Free Book Online
Authors: Peggy Martinez
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary
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doubt pierced my chest, but I continued on. “I can’t be the person you would need to me to be. I’m not good enough for you.” Matt sighed and lifted his hand to tuck a strand of hair gently behind my ear. I closed my eyes and sucked in a quick breath. Never before had I wanted something so badly.
    “So, let me get this straight,” he whispered hoarsely. “You know me better than I know myself and that means you know you are no good for me.” My eyes opened and I found Matt’s golden eyes glinting in the afternoon sunlight, his jaw clenched in restrained anger.
    “That’s not …” I began.
    “Also, I’m too good for you, meaning if I were a little more … what? A little more dangerous? Maybe unreliable? Selfish? I’d have a chance with you?” he growled.
    “No. You’re perfect,” I soothed. “It’s me. I have … issues. I can’t be the perfect woman you deserve.”
    “I’m not looking for perfect, I’m looking for real. I’m looking for passion and love, Babe.” He leaned forward until his lips grazed my ear lobe, freezing me in place. “Now get your pretty little behind in the house, get some rest and begin planning what you’ll wear on our date like normal women do,” he breathed against my neck. I shivered and stepped back quickly, shaking my head.
    “Matt, I’m not going and that’s final. I’m doing this for both of us.”
    “You’re doing this because you’re scared, Beth, and I understand that. But, I’m not going to let your fears keep us from exploring what we have between us. Besides, I won a bet and I plan on calling it in.” He smiled and pointed to the back door. I put my hand on my hips and arched a brow.
    “I’d hate to make a scene …” he began, his eyes turned towards the sky like he was consulting a higher power. He caught my eyes and I saw only a spark of danger before it was too late. “But … okay!”
    I squealed and tried to evade his arms when he launched himself in my direction. He had the element of surprise on his side, though, and before I knew it, I’d been thrown over his shoulder and popped soundly on the behind. “Stop wiggling, Babe.” He laughed.
    “Matthew Wright! You put me down this instant!” I shouted as he swung open the back door and marched me through the kitchen. Another pop on my behind and I was fuming.
    “This woulda been a whole lot easier if you’d just admit how much you want my bod,” he announced cheerfully as we passed Jen, who was standing in slack-jawed shock with a hand towel thrown over her shoulder.
    “Matt, stop acting like a caveman. Where are you taking me?” I screeched. We were now climbing the stairs to the second floor. My energy had begun to leak out from putting up a fight, all the gardening, and manic scrubbing I’d done.
    “Which one is her room?” Matt asked a now devilishly grinning Jen. I pushed my hair out of my eyes and watched as she pointed out my bedroom—the two timing hussy! Before launching me onto my bed, Matt slapped my behind a third time. I landed on my back, staring up at my ceiling, unable to even summon the strength to make a dignified bounce back.
    “So, you going to get a shower and then behave like a sane person? Or am I going to have to help you with that too?” he asked, his grin telling me how incredibly appealing he found the idea. I crossed my arms over my chest and tried to look as pious as I could, knowing I’d just been treated like a naughty child.
    “I’ll get a shower and I’ll go on your date,” I grumbled. He smiled wickedly and his eyes heated into liquid pools of amber.
    “I’m almost disappointed in that answer,” he murmured huskily. I could feel my cheeks flush from the desire burning from his gaze. “I’ll call you and let you know when I’ll be coming to get you.” I nodded my head and he turned to leave the room.
    “This will never work. We’ll only end up hurting each other,” I whispered softly. Matt stopped with his back to me and his

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