The Christmas Bargain

The Christmas Bargain by Shanna Hatfield

Book: The Christmas Bargain by Shanna Hatfield Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shanna Hatfield
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Historical
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idea so many wonderful inventions for a kitchen existed.
    Taking her through a door to the back hallway, he pointed to a bedroom close to the kitchen.  A large bed, comfy rocking chair, dresser and chest of drawers filled the space. Luke opened a door to a closet where Philamena’s recently purchased gowns hung.
    Running her hand across the back of the rocker, Philamena smiled. “Thank you, this is lovely.”
    “I hope you’ll be comfortable here. If not, let me know and we can move you upstairs to one of the bedrooms,” Luke said. He studied the rich, mahogany hair piled on top of his bride’s head with curls cascading around her face in a soft and utterly feminine style. Her bright green eyes shone like emeralds as she stared at him from behind thick lashes.
    If Luke wasn’t careful, he could find himself getting lost in eyes like that. He had no idea such a beautiful woman was hidden beneath the ugly brown dress and head covering when he agreed to take Philamena in payment for her father’s debt.
     When he brought Philamena off the farm, she wouldn’t make eye contact or raise her face enough for him to fully see it. Now he admired her high cheekbones, strong chin and bright eyes. Being married to her might not be the hardship he had first envisioned if they could learn to be friends.
    “I’ve never stayed anywhere so nice. I know it will be more than fine,” Philamena said, looking at the yellow cabbage roses on the wallpaper and soft cream coverlet on the bed. The room was welcoming and pretty.
    “Let’s finish our tour then maybe you’d like to change,” Luke said, studying her dress and wondering how exactly she was going to get the buttons on the back undone. He wouldn’t mind volunteering to help.
    Still reeling from the jolt that shot from his head to his toes when their lips touched  earlier, he hadn’t expected to feel anything. Having kissed any number of girls over the years, he had never felt the sensations created by one kiss with Philamena.
    Surprised and intrigued, Luke hoped to have more opportunity to fully research his reaction to Philamena’s lips and nearness. From the moment Chauncy placed her arm on his, her soft rose scent had taken over his senses and had him thinking of things only a husband should.
    The problem, though, was his plan to be her husband in name only.
    Trying to get his thoughts back on track, he cleared his throat and escorted her across the hall to the library. The dark walls and furniture gave it a masculine feel.
    “Please feel welcome to select any book you like for reading,” Luke said, pointing to shelves lining one wall from floor to ceiling, filled with books. “You’ll find everything from Dickens to Dumas, so if you enjoy reading, you’ll probably like the library.”
    Philamena loved to read, but never had the time or the books. The three books she owned on the farm were nearly worn to pieces from being read so many times. Nodding her head at Luke, she looked forward to hours spent by a warm fire losing herself in interesting adventures or imaginary tales.
    Following him out of the library he stopped at a room that was a wonder to Philamena. Granger House had a bathroom complete with flushing toilet and bathtub. It was the most fantastic thing Philamena had ever seen in her life.
    Shiny white surfaces gleamed at her and she turned an amazed smile to Luke.
    “There are two more upstairs, as well,” he said, watching the look of wonder that crossed her face. He had grown up in luxury and so often took these conveniences for granted. He could only imagine what Philamena was thinking and realized how grateful he was for the opportunity to see his home through her eyes.
    Taking her to the end of the hall, he pointed out his bedroom.
    “I sleep here,” Luke said, briefly showing her the room decorated in shades of burgundy and navy blue.
    “All I ask of you is to make sure I have hot meals every day,” Luke said, trying to ignore an insane desire

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