The Four Swans

The Four Swans by Winston Graham

Book: The Four Swans by Winston Graham Read Free Book Online
Authors: Winston Graham
Tags: Fiction, Sagas
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without the girl he loved. Yet he had to live. Even in the darkest hours suicide had been outside the scope of his consideration. The project he was now being offered was a challenge, not merely to his enterprise and initiative but to the life force within him.’
    ‘Twould not be too much for me to tackle, Cap’n Poldark. But, I’d dearly like to think it over.’,
    ‘Do by all means. You have a week.’
    Drake hesitated. `I don’t rightly know whether I could accept all that. It don’t seem right. Twill be too much for ee to pay. But tis not for lack of appreciation…’
    `From reports I have, the place will likely fetch two hundred pounds. But allow me to decide about that. You decide your own part. Go home and talk it over with Sam and let me know.’
    Drake went home and talked it over with Sam. Sam said it was a great opportunity which God had been pleased to put in his way. While the bonds of this temporal life still contained them they had every justification for trying to improve themselves materially as well as spiritually. Serve the Word in all things, but be not idle or slothful in work or business. It was right to pray for God’s blessing on any enterprise undertaken in honesty, charity and humble ambition. Who knew but that through such industry the black cloud on Drake’s soul might, not be lifted and that he would once more find a full and abiding salvation?
    Drake said, supposing he went to see this property and supposing Captain Poldark bought it for him - or loaned him the money to buy it, which seemed to him something he could more properly, accept then would Sam come with him and enter into a partnership so that they could work together and share in any trials or prosperity the enterprise might bring?
    Sam smiled his old-young smile and said he had thought he might be so asked and was glad he had been so asked, but he had been thinking about it while they had been talking and he felt that his duty must keep him here. With the divine inspiration of Christ’s love working through a poor sinner such as himself, he had recreated new men and women around him and brought many to the throne of Grace. He had just been appointed Class Leader here; the new, Meeting House was almost completed; his work was coming to blessed’ fruition; he could not and must not leave it now.
    Drake said : `I still don’t rightly know if I should take this from Cap’n Ross. It seem to me too much.’
    ‘Generosity be one of the noblest of Christian virtues and it should not ‘be discouraged in others. Though it be more blessed: to give than to receive, yet tis noble to know: how to receive with a good grace.’
    `Yes … yes Drake rubbed his face and his chin rasped. `Tis a poor living and a hard one you make, brother. And ye’d be little more’n six mile off. Many’d walk that far to work. Why not to
    Sam said. `Later maybe. If …’ He stopped. `If what?’
    `Who’s, to say in a year or more when ye’re stablished there you may not best to alter your condition inn life? And then. not wish for me.’
    `Don’t know’s I follow.’
    `Well, by exchanging your single state for a wedded one. Then you’d be raising your own family.’
    Drake stared out at the dank driving rain. ‘Twould not be in me, as you well d’know.’
    `Well, that’s as mebbe. I pray for ee every night, Drake, every night and day, that your soul should be relieved of this great burden. This young woman’
    `Say no more., Ye’ve said ‘nough.’ `Aye, mebbe.’
    Drake turned. `Dye think as I don’t know what other folks d’think? And d’ye think as I don’t know as they may be right? But it don’t help. It don’t help here, brother.’ Drake touched his chest. `See? It don’t help ! If .. if twas said - if twas said as Morwenna had passed away and I knew I should never see her the more - it would be hard, hard, hard. But I could face’n. Others have lost their loved ones. But what I cann’t face up to and never shall

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