The Governess of Highland Hall
needs and this woman’s expectations?
    Julia met Lady Gatewood’s gaze. “I am prepared to teach most of the subjects you mentioned, but it would be best to bring in someone else to teach dancing and social customs for the season.”
    Lady Gatewood’s dark eyebrows drew together, then she sighed. “Well, at least you’re honest enough to admit your shortcomings.” She glanced away. “I was not blessed with children, but several of my friends have prepared their daughters for their presentation and the season. I can ask them to recommend a dancing instructor. And I suppose I can teach the girls what is expected of them during social engagements.”
    Relief flowed through Julia. “Thank you. That would be most helpful.”
    “I am not doing it for your benefit, Miss Foster. My nieces’ futures are at stake. With the memory of my dear sister to guide me, I intend to do all I can to prepare them for a happy future.” She tipped her head and smiled at the girls. “Now, I must be going. Lord Gatewood and I have dinner guests arriving in a few hours.”
    Penelope kissed her aunt’s cheek. “Thank you, Aunt Louisa. Dancing lessons will be divine. We’re ever so grateful.”
    “Dancing is important, but you must apply yourself to your other studies as well. No man wants a wife with an empty head.”
    Penelope smiled and nodded. “I will. I promise.”
    Lady Gatewood turned to Katherine. “And you, my dear, will be the focus of my attention these next few months.”
    Katherine leaned toward her aunt and brushed her lips past her cheek. “Thank you for stepping in to save the day.”
    “Of course, dear. That’s what I do best.” Lady Gatewood crossed the room to leave, and the girls followed.
    Julia stepped forward. “Excuse me, Miss Katherine? Miss Penelope?”
    The girls stopped and turned while Lady Gatewood sailed out the door.
    “I’m almost finished with Andrew’s and Millicent’s lessons. Shall we meet for our studies at eleven?”
    Katherine sent her an unconvincing smile. “As you can see, we’re riding this morning.”
    “Very well. One o’clock then. Shall we meet in the great hall?”
    “Unfortunately, we have an appointment at the milliner’s this afternoon in Fulton.”
    Julia frowned slightly. “What time is the appointment?”
    “Not until three o’clock,” Penelope said.
    Katherine sent her sister a glare.
    “Very well,” Julia continued. “I assume someone is driving you to Fulton. That takes ten minutes at the most, leaving you plenty of time to meet with me before you go.”
    “I’m sorry,” Katherine said, though she didn’t sound the least bit apologetic. “We must change after riding, and we don’t expect to have luncheon until one-thirty, so we won’t be able to meet with you today.”
    “All right. Let’s plan to meet tomorrow morning, directly after breakfast.”
    Penelope opened her mouth to answer, but Katherine gripped her hand. “That’s simply not possible. Our neighbor, Lucy Chatsford, has invited us to call on her tomorrow morning.”
    “Miss Katherine, your cousin has hired me to give you instruction on several subjects, and your aunt has just added more. It is impossible for me to fulfill their wishes if you will not make time for your studies.”
    “We were not informed of your arrival until this morning. Our schedule has been set for some time. Perhaps we can discuss it on Friday morning.” Katherine turned and strode out the door without waiting for an answer.
    Penelope blinked, looking torn. “Sorry,” she whispered, then hurried after her sister.
    “Of all the imperious, uncooperative—” Julia clamped her lips together, barely able to restrain the rest of her sentence. Only the knowledge that the children were listening allowed her to keep her peace.
    “They never do what Papa says.” Andrew picked up his pencil and began sketching again with quick, rough strokes. “They’re so mean. I hate them.”
    Julia lifted her trembling hand and

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