The Governess of Highland Hall
tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “Andrew, you mustn’t speak of your cousins like that.”
    “Why not? It’s true.”
    Millie bit her lip and looked up at Julia. “Why don’t they like us?”
    Julia laid her hand on Millie’s shoulder. “It has nothing to do with you, Millie. They’re obviously preoccupied with their own concerns.”
    The little girl sent her a quizzical look.
    “That simply means they think of their own wants and desires first, rather than considering how their actions and words will hurt others.”
    Andrew ripped a sheet of drawing paper off the pad. “I say they’re horrible, and I’m glad we rarely have to see them.”
    Julia sighed and sank into her chair. If only she could say the same.

    The next afternoon Julia took Millie’s hand and led her across the back courtyard. “It’s a lovely day for a walk. Andrew, will you show us the way to the gardens?”
    “Follow me,” he called over his shoulder as he raced down the gravel path.
    Millie sighed. “He always runs ahead.”
    Julia laughed. “My brother used to do that as well.”
    “You have a brother too?”
    Julia nodded. “Jonathan is in school in London. He’s studying to become a doctor.”
    “Do you miss him?”
    “Very much. I hope he’ll visit us at Christmas, but we’ll have to wait and see.”
    They followed Andrew through an arched stone gateway and into the gardens. Julia’s steps slowed as she took in the magical setting. Neatly trimmed hedges and a high stone wall enclosed the garden. Gravel pathways bordered with perennial flower beds crisscrossed the close-clipped sod. A small pond with a fountain stood in the center, surrounded by a few late-blooming roses. “Oh, it’s lovely.”
    “Look at these.” Millie bent and picked up a handful of blooms. She held them up to show Julia. “I love purple flowers.”
    “I believe those are asters.”
    Millie smiled.
    Andrew kicked a small stone down the path. Julia and Millie followed at a safe distance. As they rounded the hedge at the corner, Sarah Ramsey came into view, sitting on a wooden bench with a book in hand. She looked up and greeted them with a timid smile.
    “Hello, Aunt Sarah.” Andrew ran toward her.
    Millie scampered after him.
    Julia greeted Sarah and then turned to the children. “I’d like you to find five signs of autumn.”
    Millie bit her lip and a slight frown creased her forehead.
    “Consider it a treasure hunt with a prize for your best efforts,” Julia added.
    The children hurried off.
    “Would you like to sit down?” Sarah asked.
    “Thank you.” Julia settled on the bench beside her. “It’s a beautiful day, isn’t it?”
    Sarah nodded and looked up at the clear blue sky. “Autumn is my favorite season.”
    “Mine too, although I’m also very fond of spring.”
    Sarah smiled and looked down at her book again.
    “What are you reading?”
    “ Pride and Prejudice . It’s one of my favorites. Have you read it?”
    Julia smiled. “Several times. I’ve always admired Elizabeth Bennett.”
    “Oh yes. I like Lizzy too. And Mr. Darcy is an interesting character. There is so much more to him than it seems at first.” She looked down and turned the page. “I was just reading the scene where Lizzy walks to Netherfield.”
    Julia caught sight of Sarah’s right hand, and her reply stuck in her throat. Sarah’s fingers were small and misshapen, and her wrist bent at a severe angle. Julia’s thoughts flashed back through the past two days. Each time they’d met, Sarah had hidden her hand behind her back or in the folds of her skirt, and she walked with a slight limp.
    Sarah looked up, and her gaze connected with Julia’s. She must have read the sympathy in Julia’s eyes, because her cheeks turned a deep shade of pink and she slipped her hand under the book.
    If only she could assure Sarah she wasn’t bothered by her handicap. She’d certainly seen much worse at the medical clinic in India. But unless Sarah spoke of it

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