The Governess of Highland Hall


    The midday sun filtered through the nursery window, casting a warm light across the book in Julia’s hands. On the other side of the table, Andrew sketched wolves and snakes on a drawing pad as he listened to her read aloud from The Jungle Book . Millicent leaned against Julia’s arm and gazed at the pen-and-ink illustration of Mowgli holding a blazing branch while the wolves gathered around him.
    Julia turned the page and continued reading. “ ‘Good!’ said Mowgli, staring round slowly. ‘I see that ye are dogs. I go from you to my own people—if they be my own people. The jungle is shut to me, and I must forget your talk and your companionship.’ ”
    Millie looked up at Julia. “Why does Mowgli have to leave the jungle?”
    “Shh!” Andrew glared at his sister. “Stop asking so many questions.”
    Millie stuck out her lower lip. “I just want to know why.”
    “Be quiet! Let her go on and you’ll find out.”
    Julia closed the book, keeping her finger in it to mark her place. “Andrew, it is not kind to speak to your sister in that manner. Please apologize.”
    “Why should I? She’s the one who keeps interrupting the story.”
    “Even so, your impatience is not helpful.”
    He crossed his arms and glared toward the windows. “I don’t see why I should say I’m sorry when I’m not.”
    “You do not need to feel sorry to apologize. You simply do it because it is the right thing to do.”
    He set his jaw and continued to scowl.
    “Very well, I’m afraid we will have to put the book away.” Julia rose from her chair.
    “No!” Andrew jumped up. “We have to find out what happens to Mowgli.”
    “Then you must do as I asked.”
    “Oh, all right. I’m sorry.”
    Julia shook her head. “An insincere apology is no better than none at all. You must acknowledge what you’ve done wrong and sound like you truly mean it.”
    His expression eased, and he blew out a deep breath. “I’m sorry for my impatience and rude manner.”
    Julia nodded. “And you must ask for her forgiveness.”
    Andrew sent her a quizzical look.
    “Asking forgiveness is an important part of a sincere apology.” Had no one ever taught the children these most basic skills? How could that be?
    She motioned to Andrew. “Go ahead.”
    He sighed but finished his apology with a note of sincerity. Millie accepted it, and Julia nodded her approval and sat down. She opened The Jungle Book and started reading again.
    The nursery door opened, and an elegantly dressed middle-aged woman wearing a large feathered hat entered, followed by two young women dressed in riding clothes. The two girls must be her new charges, but who was the older woman?
    “Miss Foster?” The woman crossed the nursery. “I am Lady Gatewood, and these are my nieces, Miss Katherine and Miss Penelope Ramsey.”
    Julia rose. “I’m pleased to meet you.”
    The shorter girl sent her a slight smile while the taller girl lifted her chin and glanced away.
    “I understand you are the new governess.”
    “Yes ma’am.”
    “And you will be helping Katherine prepare for the season?”
    Julia nodded. “Sir William has asked me to oversee both young ladiesas well as his children.” She glanced at Andrew and Millicent. The two watched the scene wide-eyed.
    Lady Gatewood lifted her chin, ignoring the children. “You have only six months to help Katherine prepare for her presentation at court and first season. That might seem like a sufficient amount of time, but there’s much to be done.”
    Katherine gazed at Julia, her expression disdainful.
    “Both girls will need lessons in French, conversation, a bit of history and literature, art appreciation, dancing, and general knowledge about social etiquette. Penelope is too young to attend many of the social events, but she can begin preparing along with Katherine.”
    Julia’s stomach tensed. Her knowledge of the fashionable London season was limited at best. How would she ever meet Katherine’s

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