The Greek Tycoon

The Greek Tycoon by Stephanie Sasmaz

Book: The Greek Tycoon by Stephanie Sasmaz Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stephanie Sasmaz
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance
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his arms. “I’ve got some good
news and some bad news for you. I’ve got a
few meetings in London so I’ll be staying
until Wednesday, but I have to fly straight out
to New York for a week, I wont get back to
Greece until the day before you are due to fly
out for two weeks.”
    “Ok.” She tried not to look
disappointed but failed.
    “Sweetheart I’m sorry I cant come next
weekend, if I could rearrange it I would but
there’s nothing I can do. I’m all yours for
those two weeks though.”
    “It’s ok Andreus, I knew you travelled a
lot when we got together. I know there are
going to be times when you have to cancel
“I love you Katie.”
    “I love you too.” He ran his fingers
through her hair.
    “Are you hungry?”
    “Only for you.” She smiled as she
undone his tie and started to unbutton his
    “Good answer.” He laughed as he
started to kiss her, he slowly made his way
down her neck as they undressed then he
picked her up and laid her on the bed.
Andreus reached into his bedside drawer and
pulled out a foil packet.
    “Are all of your apartments so well
    “Is that a hint of jealousy I hear.” He
    “No!” She pushed him away.
    “What’s wrong? Surely you didn’t
think I was a twenty nine year old virgin when
we met!”
    “Of course not.”
“So what’s wrong?” Katie looked away
from him. “Hey look at me.” He pulled her
chin so she had to look him in the eye. “Yes I
have had previous lovers but you don’t need
to be jealous. I don’t cheat.”
    “I know that is a lie.”
    “Really? How so?”
    “Nik said you had four girlfriends on
the go before the wedding.”
    “Nik has a big mouth with very little
brain power. They were dates I used to take to
business events, nothing more.”
    “So who will you call on when you
need a pretty girl on your arm in the future?”
“And I suppose you are going to say
you never slept with any of them too.”
    “I’m not going to lie to you, yes I did
sleep with them, but they weren’t exclusive
relationships they all knew the score. In the
future if you can’t come to those events with
me, I’ll go alone. If this is going to work you
need to start trusting me.”
    “I know, but it’s difficult when the
papers print pictures of you with different
women all the time.”
“They wont be anymore. I have spent
the last year celibate because I didn’t want
anyone other than you in my bed. I love you
Katie, I’m not going to hurt you.” He kissed
her gently. “I think the moment has
temporarily gone don’t you? Lets go and get
something to eat.” They got dressed and left
the apartment.
    They spent the rest of the weekend in
bed, then Katie took Rhiannon out Monday
and Tuesday whilst Andreus was in meetings
before going back to his apartment at night.
    “The time that Andreus was in New
York, Katie spent getting Rhiannon packed
and ready for her holiday, Andreus text and
called countless times each day.
    Chapter 15
    Katie got off the plane in Athens,
retrieved her bags then walked through to
arrivals. Andreus was waiting wearing stone
coloured chinos and a tight black t-shirt, he
smiled as she walked through. Katie ran over,
dropped her bag at his feet and fell into his
arms. “I’ve missed you too.” he laughed
before kissing her. Katie saw a flash of a
camera go off. “That’s be in the papers
    “Oh sorry!”
    “I’m not I couldn’t care less.” He
picked up her bag and took her hand. A Greek
guy with a camera walked over and took
another picture before asking Andreus
something Katie had no hope in
understanding, Andreus ignored him and kept
walking calmly to his car they got in and he
sped away quickly.
    “What did he say?” Katie asked.
    “He asked for a comment for the
picture, there’s little point in me wasting my
breath by the time that goes into print they’ll

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