The Jade Mage: The Becoming: Volume 1

The Jade Mage: The Becoming: Volume 1 by William D. Latoria Page A

Book: The Jade Mage: The Becoming: Volume 1 by William D. Latoria Read Free Book Online
Authors: William D. Latoria
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy
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serve to increase his suspicion. No, Tartum needed his master none the wiser to his ploy to beat him during their next sparring session. He needed Isidor to believe, as he always did, that he was going to win their match and carry Tartum off to recover.
    The girl, now fully undressed, was slinking her way into Tartum’s lap and began to kiss him. The distraction was both pleasing and infuriating, and Tartum threw her off of him. He wanted the girl, but he wanted the victory, and his advancement in magic to resume, much more.
    “I’ve changed my mind. Get dressed, and get out!” Tartum barked at the girl, who looked up at him from the floor. Her initial reaction to his rejection appeared to be hurt, but was quickly overcome by the anger only a woman, who sold her body for a living, could know. She left Tartum quickly, gathering up her clothes, and as she went out the door, said something pertaining to the small size of his reproductive organs. Her exact words, Tartum never knew, because the moment he had told her to leave, she ceased to exist to him. There was only the planning of how he would use this new insight to gain the advantage to win.
    The girl, upon leaving, must have dropped one of the gold coins Tartum had given her, because it rolled across the floor and bumped into his foot. Absently, Tartum picked it up and held it, while he thought about what he could possibly enchant that wouldn’t raise Isidor’s suspicion. The gold coin in Tartum’s hand had a burr on it. The burr cut slightly into his hand, catching his attention and causing him to inspect the damaged coin. There was a spiral scratch on its surface, that trailed off into the burr that had cut him. The spiral scratch in the coin reminded Tartum of the gold spiral on his staff...The gold spiral! HIS STAFF ! OF COURSE! He could enchant his staff! What better choice was there?! Isidor wouldn’t be suspicious of his staff! Obviously, Tartum would have it during one of their sessions! There’s no way he would know, or be the wiser, until it was too late!
    The elation of the thought died, almost as fast as it came, when Tartum remembered what Isidor had told him when he first received the staff. It was already enchanted with a fortification spell. He had told him the staff couldn’t hold more than one enchantment at a time. And the fortification spell was not only incredibly important for the staff to be useful, but it was a permanent enchantment, and therefore he couldn’t just wait for it to wear off.
    Tartum deflated. Victory had seemed so sure! He had felt like he had already won! He was already imagining himself standing over his defeated master, seeing the pride in Isidor’s face that his pupil had met his challenge, yet again. The praise, the possible celebration, all for nothing because his staff couldn’t be enchanted a second time. It was in the middle of this defeat that another thought occurred to him. What part of the staff held the fortification enchantment? Was it the Jade? Or was it the gold? If it was the jade, then Tartum’s plan to enchant the gold was still viable! If not...well Tartum didn’t want to think about that. He needed to know if the gold was enchanted or not, and the only man that could tell him was buried in a pile of nubile drunk women, the last he saw.
    “Time for some answers.” Tartum thought, as he left the room and returned to the bar.
    Finding Isidor wasn’t difficult. He had recovered quite quickly, it seemed, because he was back up on the bar dancing around again, juggling ten mugs this time. Although, he had given up on the singing this time around. Tartum found an empty seat by the bar and sat, watching his master, allowing time to sober him, so that he could think clearly. He had to make sure this plan worked, otherwise, there was no telling when, or if, he would ever beat Isidor and get him to start teaching him magic again. After three years of working on his own it would be nice to have someone

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