The Jade Mage: The Becoming: Volume 1

The Jade Mage: The Becoming: Volume 1 by William D. Latoria Page B

Book: The Jade Mage: The Becoming: Volume 1 by William D. Latoria Read Free Book Online
Authors: William D. Latoria
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy
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help him unravel the secrets of his spell book again. Not to mention, he was sick of being Isidor’s punching bag, and it would be nice to get the upper hand for once.
    The working girls started approaching Tartum again, distracting him from his thoughts. His body wanted them around, wanted to reward their advances, with advances of his own. His soul, however, wanted the magic and power that his current plan could bring him. In a battle of desire, his soul won out. After refusing the girls’ taudry suggestions about what they would like to do to him for the right price, Tartum called Mama over. Handing her ten gold coins, he told her to keep the whores away from him, and bring him some water and bread so he could sober up. Mama looked confused at his request, but for ten gold coins there were not many things Mama wouldn’t have agreed to. She complied with Tartum’s request and brought him the bread and water. She told her girls to leave him alone, and when one exceptionally brave, or exceptionally stupid, girl decided to defy her orders, Mama broke a pitcher over her head. The fight that ensued, provided the enitre bar with entertainment for a full fifteen minutes. The result of said fight was, Mama nursing a bruised cheek and the working girl out on her ass, unemployed.
    So wrapped up in his own thoughts, Tartum barely noticed any of this. He spent the rest of the night, watching Isidor get more and more inhebriated. He watched as his master stumbled, slurred and eventually collapsed on the floor, giggling and moving lamely around, in an attempt to stand up. Seeing that this was as good of a time as any to get some answers out of him, Tartum went to his aid.
    Picking his master’s drunk form up off the ground was far from an easy task, but after a few fumbles that resulted in Isidor hitting the ground a bit hard, Tartum finally stood him up and carried him out of the brothel. The majority of the patrons in the bar walked with Tartum, to see off the life of the party. Isidor yelled his farewells, and his loyal, drunken fans screamed theirs back. Finally, Tartum was alone on the road back home, half carrying, half dragging his master along.
    “Master I have to ask you something” Tartum Said.
    “Yesh my Tartum...*EErp!*...Oh! Almost losht my stomacsh there. Hahaha! What...what...question?” Isidor said, barely able to keep up with the conversation.
    Good, Tartum thought. At least like this, he wont be suspicious, and he shouldn’t be able to keep the truth from me.
    “Master, when you cast the fortification spell on my staff, was it the jade, or the gold, that you enchanted?” Tartum said, barely keeping the urgency from his voice.
    “Whaaa? Your shtaff? I enshanted it...with my magic.” Isidor looked at Tartum then and waved one of his hands in his face. Apparently, he was trying to make fun of him. “Oooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhh! HAHAHAHAhahaha!” Isidor talked to Tartum like he was an infant, and was very proud of his joke, judging by how hard he was laughing. Unfortunately for him, the movement and the laughing sent a signal to his stomach, that it was time to purge. He leapt off Tartum and fell to his knees.
    “Eeeerp! Uh-oh.” was all he got out, before the contents of a night of drinking, was emptied out all over the road.
    Tartum waited for his master to finish being sick. When he was sure the danger of getting bile on him had passed, he grabbed Isidor by his shirt and shook him.
    “Damnit, Isidor, did you cast the enchantment on the jade or on the gold!? ANSWER ME !” Tartum shook him hard. The result was the moment of clarity, Tartum needed.
    “I casshted it on sha stone part. Not the gold...The gold wouldn’t have held the magishic.” As Isidor finished this sentence, his eyes rolled back into his head, and he passed out.
    Still holding his master by the shirt, Tartum began trembling. His plan would work! He had said it! The jade! The JADE of the staff was enchanted! Not the gold! It would

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