The Jade Mage: The Becoming: Volume 1

The Jade Mage: The Becoming: Volume 1 by William D. Latoria

Book: The Jade Mage: The Becoming: Volume 1 by William D. Latoria Read Free Book Online
Authors: William D. Latoria
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy
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that all control left Tartum, as wave upon wave of laughter hit him. The lyrics were quite filthy and just as hilarious. Tartum enjoyed seeing this side of his master and long time friend. Hell, Isidor was his only friend, Tartum admitted to himself, as he watched the man add two more mugs to his juggling act. The rest of the town populace had a strong curiosity of magic when Isidor was on stage, but a healthy aversion to it in any other forum. For the most part, Tartum was ignored by the townsfolk when he ventured out. They weren’t rude or unaccomodating, they just didn’t know him, and didn’t seem to want to. Tonight was the first time in a long time he had interacted with any of them, and he promised himself to spend more of his free time here. He found the interaction thrilling, and he also found he enjoyed the women pressed against him, more and more by the moment. In fact, he was finding these women ever more attractive, the more he drank. It was exhilarating!
    The other patrons of the bar started to take up the bawdy song that Isidor was now bellowing at the top of his lungs. It wasn’t long before the whole building was shaking with the words to the song. Men and women alike, were pounding on the bar, keeping up with the beat of the song as it grew louder and louder. Encouraged to greater acts of showmanship by his gracious drunken audience, Isidor made the mugs fly at an even faster rate. The blur reminded Tartum of his sessions of combat training, when his master’s staff whirled with the same blur the mugs were flying around in now.
    One of the girls that surrounded Isidor, was jumping up and down in excitement and drunken lust, at this point, and a rather large silver necklace she was wearing started bouncing around her ample cleavage. The medallion caught the light from the candles in the chandeliers just right and reflected it directly into Isidor’s eyes. The sudden shock of light completely broke Isidor’s concentration and sent the mugs flying, as Isidor lost his balance and fell off the bar landing in a pile of girls and laughter. Mama ran over screaming at Isidor about her broken mugs and threatening his life, if he had hurt any of her girls.
    Tartum had an epiphany, at this moment. To his perception, the whole world stopped moving as he registered what just happened. The light reflected from the locket around the whore’s neck had stunned his Mentor! It shattered his concentration and completely collapsed the man. It was a weakness! Tartum realized that his new enchantment spell could do the same thing! But how!? What could he enchant that his master wouldn’t be suspicious about? Needing to think but not wanting to draw undue attention to himself, Tartum looked around for a location to escape the commotion of the bar. If Isidor noticed he was acting strange or deep in thought, Tartum was worried he’d become suspicious, start asking questions, and he would lose the element of surprise. He quickly noticed an open door to one of the many private rooms. He knew if he went in alone someone, most likely Mama, would notice and start asking questions. If he went in with a girl however, no one would be the wiser. Tartum quickly grabbed the closest girl, thrust a few gold into her hand, slipped into the room, and locked the door. The girl didn’t fully understand why Tartum had grabbed her, but she did understand gold and a locked door, and she busied herself with the task of undressing.
    Tartum barely noticed, he was so wrapped up in his scheming. What metal object could he use for his enchantment? What wouldn’t Isidor notice? An amulet of his own? No, he would notice something like that immediately, and ask questions. He would probably make him take it off during their training, so it wouldn’t interfere or something. He couldn’t lie to his master. Not because he had any moral objection to such behavior, but because he knew his master would probably see right through his bluff, which would only

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