The Lady’s Torn Heart (Faces of Love Series #2)
    “I know it doesn’t seem so now,” Gaffton said softly as he squeezed my hand. “But you will get over this heartbreak. I am living proof that one can love and lose and find love again.”



“Life could do nothing for her, beyond giving time for a better preparation for death.” - Jane Austen

    * * *
    T he remaining time I had with Mary and Gaffton I spent shut up in their house. If the gossip from the tavern didn’t travel fast enough, the words among the servants in the market would compensate. Before I had even arrived home late that night with Gaffton, everyone already knew of my rejection.
    I stayed close to the house. I loved on my sweet little niece and memorized the lines of her face. I would have liked to say that I closed my heart off, turned it to ice, but the tears that constantly stained my cheeks at night told me otherwise.
    It wouldn’t be long before news of my indiscretion flowed to the ears of the ton…and my mother. I would be unmarriageable after that. I couldn’t say I was unhappy about it. Despite Gaffton’s words, I didn’t know that I could ever feel love for someone as deeply as I had for James. I did, however, dread the meeting with my mother. Her disappointment in my fragile state would be more than I could bear.
    Mary had offered for me to stay with her. I am sure she would have let me stay permanently if I had wanted it. There were just too many memories that were now filled with sorrow. I didn’t think I could bear it.
    Scarlett had been a good friend through it all. It wasn't long before my flight had landed on her ears and she came right over to see me. She wasn’t at all judgmental or accusatory toward my intentions with her brother. Instead, she sat with me, held my hand and gave me that quiet comfort and companionship I needed.
    She had become very dear to me over the last few months, and I would sorely miss her friendship upon my return. She wasn’t here for long anyway. Soon Henry would be returning to his regiment, and she would be returning to her mother’s home.
    The final night before my leaving, Scarlett and Henry came over for a small, intimate dinner. As was our norm, Henry and I never spoke about what had transpired between James and me. I could tell he was more reserved toward me now. That carefree light in his eyes was gone, again replaced by his reserved outer shell. I couldn’t blame him. He had opened up to me, and I had chosen another. The fact that he was here and still willing to be my friend said a lot about his character.
    We sat in the drawing room after dinner. Mary was tending to little Juliette while Scarlett played the piano. It was a beautiful lullaby. For the most part, Henry stayed by Gaffton’s side, talking horses and politics. I aimlessly worked on some embroidery that I would often neglect. I hadn’t noticed Henry coming to stand by me until he cleared his throat.
    “It seems that we both will be leaving shortly,” he said, seating himself next to me. He was wearing his formal uniform again. I did love the casual Henry, who chased around the horses on his estate, but something could also be said for the handsome man who stood before me.
    “Are you returning to your regiment then?” I asked, putting away my needlework.
    “Mmmm,” he nodded. “First, I will see Scarlett home, visit with my mother a bit, but after that, yes, I will return to my troops.”
    I fiddled with my hands now that there was nothing to employ them. I gave him a sideways glance, soaking in the memory of his features. “Are you scared to go?” I asked. It probably wasn’t a very proper question.
    “I won't be in much danger, if that’s what you mean,” Henry said with a smile. “I suppose I am nervous in some ways. When I go, I leave the ones I care about behind me. The world just seems to go on, whether I am in it or not. I wonder if anyone even notices my absence.”
    “I would notice,” I said,

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