The Lady’s Torn Heart (Faces of Love Series #2)
forgive me. I promise it will all work out. Meet me tomorrow at the tavern in town. A coach stops there in the morning and afternoon. I will wait all day for you if I have to.”
    In his eyes, I saw his sorrow replaced by the depths of his sincerity. He was willing to do this, to not only defy his aunt, but also give up his future for our love.
    “Money, title, I don't care for any of it if you are not the one by my side.”
    “Alright,” I finally said. I didn’t want to think about the ramifications. I didn’t want to consider anything. I had the chance to mend my broken heart, and I was going to take it.



“The promise, therefore, was given, and must be performed.” - Jane Austen

    * * *
    T he next morning , I woke early and packed quietly. We had spent the rest of the previous evening indifferent to each other. I hoped we didn’t seem suspicious. I knew Mary at least noticed the change in my attitude and color to my cheeks after our meeting. I just didn’t want her to guess why, at least not until we were far away from here.
    I couldn’t leave without a note of explanation to her. I didn’t feel it was right to make her worry unnecessarily. I quickly scribbled down my intentions and apologies for the trouble it might cause her and Gaffton. I left it on my pillow. She would find it soon enough.
    I could hear the bustle of the servants preparing for the day just as the first rays of sun began to peek over the horizon. It was still early enough that no one was around the main house. I was able to slip out easily and make my way to the stables.
    I picked the fastest steed that I knew of and attached a saddle with lightning speed. Time was not on my side. One simple misfortune such as someone walking in on me would end it all.
    I burst from the stables and let the horse go at a full gallop. The noise of the hooves would alert someone, it was unavoidable, so now I would need speed. I rode for a solid hour at my breakneck speed. I felt pity for the horse, but nothing could be done about it.
    When I finally arrived at the tavern we’d discussed, I was sure that I was utterly disheveled. I had made it before the morning coach. Now all I had to do was sit and wait, hoping that James had been able to do the same. The longer we had to wait here, the more likely we would be caught.
    The tavern wasn’t the finest, or cleanest, of establishments. I hoped that in my tousled state I would blend right in with the folk. Most of the occupants were farmers or townsfolk getting in an early breakfast before going to the day’s tasks. The owner of the establishment gave me a weary look before seating me at a small table in the back.
    I sat in the corner, waiting for James to burst through at any moment.
    The owner brought over a glass of wine. It was probably one of the finest in the establishment. “While you wait, my lady,” she said.
    Apparently, I didn’t blend in as much as I’d hoped. I generally wouldn’t take a drink so early in the morning, but today I would need it to steady my nerves.
    I waited for what seemed an eternity. Then I saw the first coach arrive. A few weary travelers made their way in for a late breakfast. I became anxious. If James didn’t come soon, we would have to take the afternoon coach. The amount of time we would have to wait would be our undoing.
    The travelers came, ate, then they all got back on the coach. Still there was no sign of James. By noon, the coach had left and the owner came back. “Are you doing alright, my lady? Would you like me to bring you something to eat?’’
    I stretched my back from the stiffness of sitting for so long. I hesitated.
    “The next coach won't be for a while. You might as well have a bite to eat,” she said knowingly.
    I looked at her nervously. “I suppose you have seen this sort of situation before?”
    She nodded in understanding, “You aren’t the first to do it, and you won't be the last.”
    My eyes darted to the

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