The Legend of Ivan

The Legend of Ivan by Justin Kemppainen

Book: The Legend of Ivan by Justin Kemppainen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Justin Kemppainen
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important schedule could not easily accommodate this small diversion." Calloway's scowl deepened.
    "Gentlemen," Colonel Pierce interrupted, "I believe it would be best if we focused upon the task at hand."
    "Yes, yes." Dr. Ymarin waved a hand in dismissal. "I have many pressing matters to attend to. Dr... Calloway, is it?" He cocked his head. "Could you see to it that my payment is processed? I would like to avoid any unnecessary delays once the work is completed."
    Calloway bared his teeth. "Listen here, you little-"
    "I'll contact the boys upstairs to take care of it Dr. Ymarin," Trevors cut in, barely concealing a smile at Calloway's expense. "You're going to need Dr. Calloway's assistance for the procedure, anyway. I'm afraid the implantation process, though fascinating, is a bit beyond my own expertise. All I can do is watch."
    "Hm. Indeed." Ymarin eyed Calloway. "Well? Are you just going to stand there with a dour expression, or are you going to make yourself useful?"
    Biting back a retort, Calloway stepped towards his diagnostics console. Hiding his amusement, Trevors moved out of the room, heading toward the office to make his call. The colonel stepped to the side and held a passive, watchful expression.
    The two remaining doctors continued to snipe at each other as they set about the task. Ymarin cracked open the cooling unit and gingerly extracted the final piece of Ivan. Calloway took a brief moment to marvel at the human brain. Normally so small and unimpressive, this particular organ crawled with cybernetic enhancements. Metallic parts spewed from every inch of the gray tissue, a cocoon of brilliance and technology. Trevors stepped back to the observation glass as they began the work.
    The task was arduous. The brain fit snugly within the neosteel confines of the skull plate, and Ymarin, with a surgeon's deftness, connected each relay. As he did, Calloway ran diagnostics and electrical currents through each to ensure proper coupling. Every one took time to attach and time to verify, and there were many.
    Calloway and Ymarin fell into silence, ceasing their posturing and focusing upon the work. A begrudging respect fell over Calloway as he observed the surgeon's amazing steady hands and flawless progress, not that he'd ever admit it.
    Finally, the last connection set into place, and Calloway confirmed it as functional.
    "Well, I must say, doctor, your performance was adequate," Ymarin said as he flicked his gloves into the waste receptacle. "I have several pressing appointments yet today, but I admit I'm curious to see whether or not this brute will actually function."
    Dr. Calloway ignored the surgeon, excitement coursing through him.
    He shouldered his way past Ymarin and set about affixing the skull plate, complete with a thin dusting of hair on top of the synth-flesh. A few moments and a brief electrical stimulation later, the skull plate nestled in place, and the skin sealed itself together. The slab of technology was finished, awaiting activation.
    Calloway stepped back, almost in awe of how Ivan appeared as innocuous as an unconscious or dead human, minus the obvious anatomical indicators. He turned towards the colonel. "Are we cleared for a demonstration?"
    "Yes, doctor, please proceed." Pierce gave a sharp nod.
    "Step back," Calloway said to Ymarin.
    "He's not going to bite, is he?" The surgeon smirked.
    Calloway snorted. "His energy output could vaporize your body and this facility in less time than it would take for your arrogant and feeble mind to realize its imminent demise." With a shocked expression, Ymarin opened his mouth to retort. Calloway held up a hand. "This is more delicate and dangerous than simply connecting nerve tissues. Please step back."
    With an offended scowl, the surgeon moved to the side and looked on. Dr. Calloway, heart hammering, approached his creation.
    Upon Ivan's chest, digging prongs into the synthetic flesh, he placed a device. "The 'on' switch," he said, a nervous energy

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