The Life I Now Live

The Life I Now Live by Marilyn Grey Page B

Book: The Life I Now Live by Marilyn Grey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marilyn Grey
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary
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when the time is right.”
    He reached for my hand and slid my rings off with ease, as though the coldness of my heart crept into my hands and made it easier to remove them. A tear slid down my face and stopped on my neck. Then he held his hand for me to do the same.
    Hesitant, I pulled back. “Are you sure?”
    He nodded. With the same gentle deliberateness that I put his ring on, I took it off. We set them on the table beside us and looked at each other. Absent words. Broken dreams. Nothing left to say except maybe, just maybe, love would fill our hearts again.
    If, and only if, I could erase the other man from mine.

Ch. 12 | Patrick
    Maybe to Lancaster with Gavin and Ella. Somewhere. Anywhere but Philly. I needed to get away. The memories in Philly seemed to pile up like a mountain of dog crap. Not exactly the kind of memories you want to cherish.
    I called Gavin. “Hey, man. Tell Ella she got her wish.”
    “What are you talking about?” he said. “Ella is baking cookies for my dad. Do you need her?”
    “No, just tell her it looks like I’m going to be faithful to Emily after all.”
    “Why? I think she was actually rooting for you and Heidi.”
    “She’s like night and day, isn’t she? Anyway, tell her to stop rooting. It’s not happening. Nothing is happening and I’m going to be single for life.”
    “What? Are you alright?”
    “I’m fine. Slightly enamored with my own misfortune, but fine.”
    “True love takes work, man. Can’t expect everything to be the way you want it to be.”
    “If love is a game of cards, then I’m the guy who constantly loses.”
    “It’s not that bad.”
    “It is. Trust me.” I sighed. “It’s getting ridiculous at this point. I need a break. I’m using some of my savings, going to the airport, and flying who the hell knows where for a few weeks. So if anyone is wondering, that’s what happened.”
    “Anything I can do?”
    “Just appreciate what you have with Ella and never let it fade.”
    “That I can do. See ya soon, Pat. If you need anything we’re your people. Oh, and Merry Christmas.”
    “Yeah, you too.”
    I hung up, packed a carry-on bag of clothes, toothpaste, and shampoo, and left my apartment for the airport. Figured I’d take the next available flight wherever it went.
    I called my secretary in the car and left a message for her to cancel all appointments from now until the second week of January and reschedule them. Also told her to take off and enjoy a vacation.
    The airport played holiday tunes as I walked by large Christmas trees lit with cheer. You’d think no one would fly on Christmas, but it was pretty hopping. I scanned the departing flights for something interesting and decided to ask the lady behind the desk to choose for me.
    “Anywhere?” she said. “Domestic or international?”
    “Anywhere in the U.S.”
    She pushed a few buttons, charged my card, and smiled as she handed me some papers.
    “Have fun,” she said.
    I nodded, thanked her, and walked away while reading my ticket. Departing in forty-two minutes. Destination? Chicago. Interesting enough. I turned my phone off, checked in, and waited until take off. Felt good to do something for myself for once. Really good, actually. 

    I slept on the plane and dreamt of Heidi. Nightmare central. I woke up with a chill. Something didn’t feel right. Brushing emotions aside, I walked off the plane, did all the necessary stuff, and got a rental car. My GPS led me through Chicago. It was late and most of the city was sleeping. Huge beautiful buildings and Christmas lights all over the place. Light dusting of snow, but not enough to cover the city in white. I found a nice hotel by millennium park. The building towered above, lit up like a huge candle glowing in the sky. The valet service took my car and another man ushered me inside. All smiles. I paid for a room and within minutes passed out on the bed. Didn’t even take the time to get

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