The Nanny (The Fabulous Dalton Boys Book 1)
Archer, who quickly announced what an idiot he was.
    The doorbell interrupted everyone, and Archer was the first there, flinging it open.  A woman Ashley had never seen was standing there criticizing Archer for being shirtless.
    Ashley grinned.  She had a feeling she was going to like her, whoever she was.  Barrett whispered in her ear.  "New PR girl. Name is Kalee."
    Ashley felt a shiver go up her spine as his breath landed directly against her ear.  Aunt Lachele was right.  She didn't need to be working for sex on a stick.  She should tell him she was planning to leave when her month was up.  Looking down at the baby in her arms, she was very afraid she couldn't do it, though.
    Barrett couldn't give up on the idea of marrying Ashley.  He knew it was the best thing for Baby Dalton, and just as importantly, it was the best thing for him.  He needed to be able to function, and he could easily see that the only way he'd be able to do that was if he married Ashley and exorcised her from his brain the only way he knew how: exercising her in bed.
    He started planning to make it happen.  She just needed a little more persuading, and he could do it. 
    On Wednesday, he talked to Brooklyn.  "I need a favor from you.  I'll pay," he said, knowing the words would be the ones she needed to hear.
    She sat down across from him in the living room.  "I'm listening."
    "I want to take Ashley off overnight.  I'm going to need a sitter.  We'd leave around two on Friday afternoon and be back by ten on Saturday morning."
    "I told you, Barrett. I don't do babies!" She flicked her perfect hair back over her shoulder.  "I can't see that turning out well for anyone."
    Barrett frowned.  "What if I got Cage to agree to help?  A thousand dollars?" He could see he had her attention.  "Fifteen hundred?"
    She nodded.  "Fifteen hundred, and Cage has to help me."
    "I'll talk to him."  He smiled at Brooklyn.  "Be nice to him.  He cares about you."
    Brooklyn shrugged, not saying anything. 
    Barrett groaned and got up, going in search of Cage.  He bellowed his brother's name when he was halfway down his wing of the house.
    Cage came out of his office, frowning at Barrett.  "What?"
    "I need you."  He briefly explained his plan to take Ashley away for the night, but explained his need for a sitter.  "Brooklyn agreed, but only if you're willing to help her."
    Cage smiled ruefully.  "A night with Brooklyn?  You know I'm in.  I'm still stupid about that woman."
    Barrett sighed.  "I know.  Friday night."
    "Where are you taking her anyway?  And does she know?"
    Barrett shook his head.  "Vegas and nope.  I'm going to convince her to have dinner out with me, and then take her to the private airstrip."
    Cage frowned.  "You're not going to try to trick her into marriage, are you?"
    Trick her?  "Nope.  I wouldn't ever tick her into anything.  Except maybe leaving the house with me overnight."
    "You've got it bad, brother."
    "Look who's talking!"  He slapped his hand onto Cage's shoulder.  "Thanks.  Let me know if you need my help with Brooklyn."
    Cage shook his head.  "I need something..."
    Ashley felt like the whole house was in on some kind of secret that she knew nothing about.  She went about her business, taking care of the baby, keeping their wing of the house clean, and cooking meals for Barrett when she had a chance.  She hadn't yet talked to him about leaving once her month was up, but she felt more strongly than ever that it was what she needed to do.
    Before he left for work on Friday morning, he asked if she would go to dinner with him.  "I've arranged a sitter, and I think we need some time away from the house to just talk."
    She nodded reluctantly.  "Yes, we do."  She'd tell him while they were out what she planned to do. 
    When she came back into the house after a soak in the hot tub just after lunch, she had the feeling someone had been in her room.  She couldn't put her finger

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