The Nanny (The Fabulous Dalton Boys Book 1)
get?  Well, you get ready sex too, but without the guilt."  He leaned forward and dropped his voice to a husky whisper.  "And I promise you, you'll get good sex anytime you want."  His hand reached out and caught hers, his thumb tracing circles against her palm.  "Marry me."
    Ashley closed her eyes and counted to ten before standing up and throwing her napkin on the table.  "You are insane if you think I'm going to accept a proposal like that.  When I marry it will be to a man I can respect.  And you Barrett Dalton?  I don't think you've ever had anyone's respect in your entire life.  You're a Neanderthal, and I refuse to sit here and even discuss this with you.  Maybe you should put out a want ad.  Or better yet, get yourself a mail order bride.  The word about town is that's how this whole blasted empire started.  Mail order brides."  She leaned down, her shirt gaping open and giving him a clear view of her bra, and she didn't even care.  "You know what?  I'm a nanny.  I'm here to take care of your baby.  What you're looking for to take care of your other needs is called a hooker. Maybe you should go find one of those!"
    She stormed from the kitchen and back to her room, slamming the door behind her.  Had he really just asked her that?
    She threw herself on her bed, putting her head over her arm.  With her eyes closed all she could picture was herself, in bed with Barrett Dalton, his naked skin sliding over hers.  Oh, God.  What was she becoming?

Chapter Five
    Monday morning Barrett announced he'd decided to take the day off, and he spent some time with the baby on the couch in the main part of the house.  The room was set up oddly with three couches all surrounding a huge television. 
    Brooklyn was on the other couch, her eyes glued to the television.  "I thought Cage said you'd be doing laundry all day," Barrett said, just to taunt her.  Brook rolled her eyes.  Ashley had done laundry for herself, Barrett, and Baby Dalton on Sunday afternoon, and put hers and the baby's clothes away.  Barrett's were stacked neatly on the foot of his bed.  He was glad he didn't have to rely on Gage's diva to do anything for him.
    "You guys are rich.  Pay someone to do your laundry," she said, taking a drink of lemonade. 
    Barrett grinned.  "We had a laundry service coming to pick up our laundry every Sunday evening and delivering it back on Tuesday afternoons.  Cage cancelled it, because you were here."
    Brooklyn just rolled her eyes.  "Well, that was stupid, wasn't it?"
    The door opened and Archer walked in with a woman beside him that he introduced as Kalee, their new PR specialist.  They quickly disappeared down the hall to Archer's wing of the house.  It was obvious to Barrett that Archer had just found another conquest.  Maybe Baby Dalton would have a cousin soon.
    A few minutes later, the two of them came back, Archer without a shirt, chasing after Kalee, who said a few choice words and slapped him before leaving.  They could all hear her car's engine revving as she left.
    Barrett glared at Archer, not understanding what his brother had just done. He asked, and his tone must have been sharper than he'd intended, because Baby Dalton started fussing right away, obviously not liking the loud voices.  Barrett barely noticed.  Archer had just ruined their chances of digging their reputations out of the dirt, because he couldn't think with his head instead of the crotch.  It was so like Archer.
    He was the one with a baby, but both of his brothers seemed to have sex indiscriminately.  Barrett had always been more reserved. women always complicated things.
    Brooklyn started complaining about the baby fussing just as Ashley hurried in from his wing and swept him away, cradling him against her and calming him almost immediately.  It made Barrett feel like he was a flop at being a father if his son preferred the nanny.
    Cage rushed in, obviously confused, and Barrett just told him to talk to

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