The Nanny (The Fabulous Dalton Boys Book 1)
on it, but there was something.
    Barrett had said they would have to travel a bit for dinner, so he would be home by two to take her out.  She put on one of her new dresses, knowing they showed off her figure in a way he'd never seen.  Why that mattered to her, she didn't know.  She was just going out with him so she could tell him she was leaving at the end of her month, right?
    At two, she heard a knock at her door, and sucked in a breath.  She wore her hair down, something she'd rarely done for him.  Every once in a while, he'd see her after her ponytail was taken out at the end of the day, but never when her hair was actually fixed.
    She opened the door, and held her breath, her eyes drinking in the sight of him there, in a dark suit.  Glad she'd chosen one of her new dresses, she smiled. "You look great."
    Without thinking, he cupped her cheek with one hand, leaning down to brush his lips across hers.  "You're breathtaking." 
    He offered his arm to her.  She took her purse from her dresser, walking with him, pausing only when she saw Brooklyn holding Baby Dalton.  "We can't leave him with her! "
    "Don't worry, Cage is going to help her.  He'll be fine." 
    "But what if she doesn't wake up?  She hates babies!"  Ashley stopped walking, staring into the baby's room, afraid for him.
    "Cage will help her.  He promised.  He also has the number of an emergency nanny service if things get out of hand.  They'll be fine."
    Ashley closed her eyes and nodded. If the father wasn't worried, why should the nanny be all freaked out?
    He took her out to a limo that was parked out front.  She looked over at his truck.  "I thought we'd take your truck."
    "I want tonight to be really special."
    "I'm not having sex with you, Barrett."  She felt the need to just get that out there.  If he knew it upfront, maybe he wouldn't push.
    "I know, sweetheart.  I won't even ask it of you 'til after we're married.  I promise."  Barrett grinned as he brushed his lips across hers once more. 
    Ashley rolled her eyes and slid into the car all the way across to the door on the other side.  Barrett got in as well, and grabbed her arm, pulling her back across the back seat so he could put his arms across her shoulders. 
    "I'm glad you agreed to go with me," he said softly.
    "Where are we having dinner anyway?"
    He shrugged.  "There's this little Italian place that I like.  We'll go there."
    "Sounds good.  I love Italian."  She rested her head against his shoulder, wanting to feel like they were on a date, even though she was about to tell him she was ending her time with him.  Maybe she should wait until the end of the evening for that.
    "I was thinking more about what we talked about the other night," he told her.
    She looked at him, her eyes questioning.  "Which thing?  We talk about everything."
    "You know.  The marriage thing."
    She sighed.  "Barrett, I just don't think it's a good idea.  Giving the baby a mother and you having a sexual outlet just aren't good enough reasons to marry.  If you wanted the baby to have a mother, you should have married, well, the baby's mother!"
    He sighed.  "I haven't told you about MaryBeth yet."
    She turned to him fully on the seat, ignoring the view.  "No, you haven't, but I'd sure like to hear whatever you want to tell me."
    "About ten months ago, I had some trouble at the office.  One of the girls who works in my department accused me of sexual harassment, and all I'd done was smile at her.  Archer dragged me into his office and chewed me out without hearing my side of the story.  Before that day, I'd never had a one night stand.  My brothers sure can't say that, but I could."  He closed his eyes for a moment, determined to tell her the whole thing. 
    "Anyway, it had been a really rough day.  The girl finally admitted that I hadn't done anything, but the damage was done, and I was already frustrated."  His eyes met hers.  "I get so sick of being judged by my father's

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