The Perfect Someday (A standalone novel ~ Book three in The Mathews Family)

The Perfect Someday (A standalone novel ~ Book three in The Mathews Family) by Beverly Preston

Book: The Perfect Someday (A standalone novel ~ Book three in The Mathews Family) by Beverly Preston Read Free Book Online
Authors: Beverly Preston
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if we…can we take them off…later?” As the words slipped from her lips, she wondered what she meant by later. If she’d been thinking rationally, she would’ve phrased it differently, but the wine seemed to be clouding her common sense.
    “Si`, if that is what you would like?” He said slowly, choosing his words carefully.
    Did I just offer to have sex with him? Her gaze dropped to her lap, blinking repeated ly replaying her exact wording.
    Catching the underside of her chin with the crook of his finger, he assured in a quiet tone as if he were reading her thoughts, “We can take them off later…if that is what you would like. Or we don’t have to take them off at all. That is up to you.”
    Dear God , I did just offer to have sex with him. Her morals started to unravel as her gaze traveled down his shirt front one button at a time. Wild images of what lay beneath the fine fabric of his dress shirt sent a jolt of heat to her—
    He made a quiet sound of amusement. “Or we could simply leave them on later. They are very…mysterious.” He rolled the r with the most sensual undertone she’d ever heard in her life.
    Spasms scattered, reaching deep inside to a tender vulnerable place. Tracy trembled all over. She was unsure if they were from nerves, desire, trepidation or all of the above.
    Unfortunately , the tremors rolling though her limbs were not transparent. Giovanni took note of her discomfiture, rubbing the length of her arms for warmth. “You’re shaking, Amore Mio.”
    “It’s just…I’m not …I don’t—“ Tracy rolled her eyes in frustration at her silly stammering. Reaching for the glass of wine, she slid the stem between two fingers and took a swallow. “I’ve never taken my mask off on a first date.”
    The rubbing came to a halt.
    Their gaze met and held. His eyes opened wide with understanding, turning his brilliant grey irises silver in the moonlight. Tracy squirmed a little under the long sizzling stare.
    Giovanni lifted her with ease. He eased back, guiding them toward the ground. Tracy lurched forward a little, remaining rigid and sitting upright. Her heart pounded violently, unsure of what he was suggesting. His hand moved up and down her spine, relaxing the tension, one vertebra at a time.
    “ Mask on,” he assured. A smile colored his voice. “I only wanted to gaze at the stars.”
    “Oh, of course.” Regret simmered in her voice, drowning out the thrashing of her heart. The words of her sister registered in her thoughts. Just go for it.
    The idea of being spontaneous was foreign to Tracy. She could easily make a list of reasons why she should stumble to her feet and head back to the reception, but the spicy flavor of his mouth made her want more.
    Tracy eased back on her side, resting her head in the crook of his arm. His bicep formed the perfect pillow beneath her cheek. It felt odd to feel so content snuggled next to a man she barely knew, yet she sensed such a strong bond with him. She’d never felt this calm around a man in all her life. The only time she’d ever been this comfortable was with her family…or in a classroom.
    They finished off the bottle of wine between intellectual conversations and several slow, heat-filled kisses. The music stopped and sounds of the reception began to fade. She had no idea how long they’d been gone, but one thing she knew for certain, Tracy didn’t want the night to end.
    “It’s empty?” She stated in astonishment draining the last drop of the dark red liquid from her glass.
    “And?” Giovanni elongated the word hunting for a compliment.  
    “And it’s the best wine I’ve ever tasted.”
    He extended his hand assisting her to her feet. “That is because it is the best wine in Italy. My—“.
    Tracy staggered and Giovanni latched onto her. His fingers spread wide around her waist and ribs, securing her against his chest. She let out a shaky giggle. “I don’t know anything about the best wines in Italy, but this

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