The Prisoners of Time

The Prisoners of Time by Joe Dever

Book: The Prisoners of Time by Joe Dever Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joe Dever
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy, lone wolf, Magnamund
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enemies to the death.
    If you win the combat, turn to 120 .

    Using your Kai skill you urge the onipa to stop. They react to your command immediately, stiffening their forelegs and skidding to an abrupt halt within a few inches of the river's edge. Shaken but otherwise unharmed, T'uk T'ron and his driver open their eyes and stare down at the murky water, scarcely able to believe that they are still dry and in one piece.
    Turn to 348 .

    The wind tears at your clothing as you fight your way slowly towards the distant gully. Your feet sink deep into the hot, shifting sands, transforming the simple act of walking into a hard and painful exertion. After what seems like an eternity you finally near your goal. You drop to your knees and crawl the few remaining yards towards the shelter of the shallow, rock-strewn trench. Gasping for breath, you bury your head inside your tunic to avoid inhaling a lungful of the sand-choked air and, gradually, your pulse steadies and your strength returns. You wait for the storm to subside but, as if in defiance of your wish, the winds grow ever stronger, whipping the sands into huge cyclones which suck countless tons of debris into their deadly, spinning cores.
    Fear returns to freeze your heart when the shadow of a raging whirlwind falls across the gully. In blind desperation you crawl towards a narrow fissure at the far end of the trench, praying that it is the entrance to a cave. This time your prayers are answered — the fissure marks the beginning of a shaft that descends deep into the volcanic rock. But as you draw closer your hopes for a safe shelter are dampened by a gruesome sight.
    Turn to 126 .

    You scan the surrounding trees, your eyes peeled for the slightest hint of another enemy, while Odel examines the dead Agtah. He shakes his head, indicating that he has found nothing of interest, and beckons you onward. Just as you begin to move you catch sight of a grey shape scurrying away into the misty distance. Quickly you draw an Arrow and take aim, but the creature is no longer there — it has melted into the shadows.
    Turn to 185 .

    Cradled in the muscular arms of a Yoacor guard lies the loathsome, stunted form of the Beholder. His withered, corpse-green body is no bigger than a human child's, yet his bulbous head is enormous by comparison, far larger even than that of the giant who is holding him. It wobbles and sways repulsively when he turns to focus his eyes on you. Like polished gemstones these two blank orbs glint in the flickering light of the chamber, their cold sharpness revealing the intelligent being that lies imprisoned within the crippled shell.
    Illustration VI —Cradled in the arms of a Yoacor guard lies the loathsome, stunted form of the Beholder.
    ‘Be not afraid of me, human,’ he says, using a language similar to your native tongue. ‘I mean you no harm. My shape may not find favour with those of your species, but here in the Daziarn you must be prepared to disregard appearances if you are to discern the truth.’
    With a languid blink he dismisses the Yoacor leader and his guards and watches like a doting father as they descend the spiral staircase.
    If you possess the Magnakai Discipline of Divination, turn to 291 .
    If you do not possess this skill, turn to 152 .

    The chariots screech to a halt and a score of Ookor guards leap from the riding platforms. They come scurrying towards you, their glass-tipped spears thrust before them at arm's length. Their leader commands them to surround you. His order is swiftly obeyed and you are escorted back to the gates of their city at spearpoint.
    Turn to 86 .

    While you ponder the meaning of her reading, she retrieves her cards from the table and shuffles away to help her daughters gather the empty food bowls. T'uk T'ron swallows the last of his delicious meal and rounds it off with a hearty belch. The Ookor villagers thank him — for it seems that such a reaction is the highest compliment one can

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