The Prisoners of Time

The Prisoners of Time by Joe Dever Page B

Book: The Prisoners of Time by Joe Dever Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joe Dever
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy, lone wolf, Magnamund
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strange compulsion drawing you towards the light. Effortlessly you glide along the tunnel and emerge at the centre of a huge, transparent sphere suspended in a luminous yellow sea of oily liquid. Behind its seamless walls swim fish-like creatures, strange things with phosphorescent bodies and opalescent jaws. You stare in fascination as they swim around you, seemingly oblivious of your presence.
    Turn to 209 .

    Gently the Sommerswerd vibrates in its scabbard and a cool, golden fire laps at the hilt. Instinctively you unsheathe it and immediately the blade is engulfed by golden flames, ignited by the close proximity of the Lorestones. As you raise the sword, the flames burn brighter and illuminate the circular portal in the ceiling. At once you realize that it must provide access to the roof of the Sepulchre and, with your heart pounding, you race up the steps, confident of finding the objects of your quest waiting for you there.
    Turn to 320 .

    You watch as suspicion turns to fear in these creatures' eyes. They become agitated, jabbing the air with their glass-tipped spears and cawing incessantly in their strange tongue. They sway, like half-coiled serpents weaving before a snake charmer, and then, as one, they rush forward and attack.
    Owing to the speed and ferocity of their charge, you cannot evade them or make use of a Bow.
    Ookor: COMBAT SKILL  21    ENDURANCE  45
    If you win the combat, turn to 203 .

    The onipa slide stiff-legged down the slippery bank and the chariot slews violently to the left before coming to a halt within a few inches of the river's edge. Shaken but otherwise unharmed, T'uk T'ron and his driver open their eyes and stare down at the murky water, scarcely able to believe that they are still dry and in one piece.
    Turn to 348 .

    The Chaos-master catches a glimpse of you crouching behind the parapet and diverts his aim from Lorkon Ironheart. With malicious glee he slams his great club down upon the roof and, in a terrifying moment, you are crushed to death.
    Tragically, your life and your quest end here.

    Slowly you awaken and for a long moment you lie on the hard floor blinking sleepily at the pitted rock ceiling. The storm died down while you slept and all is quiet save for a sound that sets your pulse racing: the distant slap of large wings beating the air. The sound is becoming louder and you gather your equipment quickly and climb out of the cairn to investigate its source.
    Silhouetted against the blazing horizon are six black shapes. They resemble dragons with snaky necks and ragged, bat-like wings, and upon their backs they carry golden-skinned creatures, vaguely human in appearance save for their lack of hair and their massive size. From their flight formation you can tell that they are hunting something on the ground, but it is not until you climb to the top of the cairn that you are able to see their prey. A brace of huge, lizard-like creatures are thundering across the plateau, darting this way and that to avoid the shadows cast by their winged pursuers. They reach the top of a rock-strewn ridge and one of the crimson reptilians comes pounding across the sand towards the cairn. The leading flyer sees you. He banks his dragon mount towards the cairn and the others follow closely in his wake. You fear that they are about to attack but at the last moment they veer away and circle the cairn before landing nearby.
    Turn to 26 .

    In spite of his attempts to deflect your Arrow, it penetrates the cheek plate less than an inch below his eye. He bellows an agonized cry and wrenches the shaft from his face. Such fortitude is impressive but you can tell that he has suffered a serious wound. Feverishly he scoops the Lorestones into a small velvet sack tied to his sword belt. Swiftly you shoulder your Bow and draw a hand weapon as you run forward to prevent his escape.
    Turn to 206 .

    You reach the crest of the hill and stare down at the remarkable sight that lies

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