The Pursuit
    Talia shook her head. “Or the masseuse. It could be anyone in his contingent. It could be Vamp One or Vamp Two, for all we know.”
    Misha’s eyebrow lifted. “Vamp One or Vamp Two? Are we in a paranormal Dr. Seuss now?”
    Talia didn’t crack a smile. “They are Renato’s guards.”
    Will interjected, “So we have enough evidence to start questioning the entire group. Someone is bound to slip up. We can narrow it down by finding out who was away from the contingent on the night of Melanie’s murder.”
    Misha cocked his head. “I have been doing some searching and found something interesting as well. Renato is not the only founding vampire on the move. Three others from Europe and one from China have recently arrived in the United States.”
    “Where are they?” Talia asked.
    “Spread out in various cities, but the odds against having all these founding vamps here at one time are astronomical.”
    “Why would they come here?” Marty asked.
    There could be only one reason, but it made Jean Luc’s heart thud. “A tribunal.”
    Talia inhaled sharply, and Misha gave a low whistle.
    Will looked between them. “Explain to the rest of us what you mean.”
    “A tribunal is called when our head vampire’s rule is challenged. Only founding vampires can challenge our ruler.”
    “Does this happen a lot?”
    “There has not been a challenge in over three hundred years.”
    “So they’re going to New York, then?” Marty asked. “Doesn’t your leader live in New York City?”
    “Tobias lives in New York, but they won’t challenge him on his home territory. They will use last year’s fiasco with Sebastian and his murder spree as their excuse to challenge him. They will argue that a good leader would have not allowed the murders to occur. Therefore, they will want to interrogate everyone involved. Which means it will take place in Cleveland.”
    Misha sighed. “I’ll contact the pilot to see when we can head back. Is there still time for Will to take me to get all-you-can-eat crab legs?”
    Talia frowned. “We’re not going anywhere. Renato and his followers are still here, and we have a murderer to catch.”
    She stalked out of the room.
    Silence reigned until Will spoke. “Damn. She’s pissed about something. Maybe I should go talk to her.”
    Jean Luc stepped in front of him. “No. Let me try.” He walked out of the lab and found Talia standing outside, gazing up at the moon.
    “Talia, what is wrong?
    “Are you sure?”
    “I’m fine, Jean Luc. Just pissed at our species for believing we have the right to destroy someone weaker.”
    “I know this must bring back bad memories of your turning.”
    She spun around to glower at him. “Why would you say that?”
    “Because I am not sure whether you were talking about you or Melanie. Luckily, you survived.”
    “Maybe she was the lucky one.”
    His fangs elongated, and a growl erupted from his chest. “Never say that again.”
    She stumbled back from him. “I need some time by myself, Jean Luc.”
    “That is not a good idea.”
    “Tough. Now back off.”
    He opened his mouth to protest.
    “Please, Jean Luc. Just give me some time. You’re right; this case is getting to me.”
    He nodded, and she flashed away. He waited a few seconds, and then flashed after her. He would give her some space, but he needed to watch over her. Something was not right.
    And it scared him.
    * * *
    Talia opened her mind, searching for Chris. He was her sire by blood, if nothing else, so she should be able to locate him. She ended up standing in the alley next to The Cosmo hotel. Chris had been there recently, but the tingling sensation was light. It made sense that he would be staying close to the contingent. She would wait for him.
    She needed a plan. If she attacked him when Jean Luc was not around, he would never need to know she was the one who had killed Chris. And he would be unable to invoke the oath. But she couldn’t kill him on

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