The Rising of the Shield Hero Volume 01

The Rising of the Shield Hero Volume 01 by Aneko Yusagi Page A

Book: The Rising of the Shield Hero Volume 01 by Aneko Yusagi Read Free Book Online
Authors: Aneko Yusagi
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy
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than I ever expected myself to sound.
    “You! You had your eyes on my money and equipment, and so you made all this up to get your hands on my stuff!”
    “Who would believe the words of a rapist?”
    Motoyasu stepped forward, hiding Myne from my view, and stuck out his chest. He was playing the role of the brave hero, protecting a defenseless and victimized woman.
    “Liar! You had your eyes on my money and equipment from the start! You and your little friends had a meeting about it, didn’t you!”
    Here’s what happened: Motoyasu had whispered all of it to her when we first met at the castle. He told her I was a weak class, sure to lose. She convinced me to buy her good equipment. After she got what she wanted, she’d steal the remaining money and equipment, and run to the castle as a victim in an invented story. They’d have me killed off, and then they’d get away with everything.
    … That was their plan.
    Besides! Myne always called me, “Hero,” but she’d called Motoyasu by his name. If that wasn’t proof enough, I didn’t know what was.
    In this world, I guess one hero was enough.
    “You come to another world and treat your companions this way? You’re trash.”
    “I agree. It’s very difficult to sympathize with him.”
    So Ren and Itsuki had no qualms with throwing their lots in with Motoyasu.
    Of course… They had all been in cahoots from the beginning. The Shield Hero was weak, so they wanted to get rid of me, and increase their own standing in the process.
    They were disgusting.
    Could they be any worse?
    Thinking back on it, it seemed like no one, not even the people from this world had shown any desire to trust me.
    But why? Why should I have to fight to defend the rats?
    I hoped the whole place burned to the ground, the whole damn world.
    “… Fine. I don’t care. Just send me back to my world, and call yourself a new Shield Hero. That’ll do it, right?”
    Another world? Ha! What a joke. Why did I have to spend my time in such crappy place?

“Things don’t go your way, so you decide to turn tail and run away? How weak.”
    “I agree. You have no sense of responsibility or justice. You ignore the task you’ve been entrusted with, only to attack a poor girl… Just terrible…”
    “Get out of here then! Go back home! We don’t need people like you here!”
    I was glaring at Ren, Itsuki, and Motoyasu as if I could kill them with my eyes.
    This was SUPPOSED to be FUN. But they had ruined it all.
    “All right already! Send me home!”
    The king simply crossed his arms and frowned.
    “I would very much like to send you home, but the waves of destruction will not allow it. New Heroes can only be summoned once the original four have all died. This is what the researchers say.”
    “That’s… you’re kidding, right?”
    Finally, the three of them seemed surprised by something.
    There was no way to send us home?
    “You mean we can’t go home?”
    Give me a break.
    “When were you planning on telling us that?!”
    I broke free from the knights and their spears.
    “Plan on running, eh?!”
    “I’m not running.”
    One of the knights hit me.
    It made a good sound, his fist. But it didn’t hurt. It didn’t even irritate me. The knight, rather, seemed to have hurt his fist. He was cradling it like a baby bird as he stepped away from me.
    “Well? What’s it going to be, Your Majesty? What’s my punishment?”
    I swung my arms to get the blood flowing again.
    “At the current moment, you are our only defense against the coming waves, and therefore will not be punished. However, your crimes are already well known to the people. That will be your punishment. I doubt very much that you will find work or help in our country.”
    “Ah, thank you so much!”
    So I was to level up and fight back the waves of destruction.
    “We will summon you in another month, when the waves approach. You may be a criminal, but you are still the Shield Hero. Do not

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