The Rising of the Shield Hero Volume 01

The Rising of the Shield Hero Volume 01 by Aneko Yusagi Page B

Book: The Rising of the Shield Hero Volume 01 by Aneko Yusagi Read Free Book Online
Authors: Aneko Yusagi
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy
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shirk your responsibilities.”
    “Got it! I’m weak, is that it? Better hurry up!”
    Ah, yes. I remembered the stash I had hidden in the back of my shield.
    “Check it out! This is what you wanted, isn’t it?”
    I removed it from its spot. It was the last 30 pieces of silver I had. I threw it forcefully at Motoyasu.
    “What the? What are you doing?!”
    I didn’t expect him to deride me for filling his pockets further.
    I left the castle through its gate, and as I made my way down the street, the crowds on either side of me pointed as they whispered among themselves.
    Gossip moved fast here. Better be careful what I say, and to whom.
    The whole world looked awful to me then. Hideous.
    And so I lost respect, trust, and my money. Just as my adventure began, I lost it all.

Chapter Eight: Ruined Reputation

    A week went by. I stayed relatively close to the castle.
    “Hey there, Shield-Guy.”
    It was the owner of the weapon shop. I’d been walking around town in my underclothes, and he called me over when he saw me.
    Granted, I’d been passing right by his shop, but what could he have wanted?
    “I heard that you tried to take advantage of your friend. Come over here and let me give you a hard smack.”
    It was like he had no intention of listening to me in the first place. Hatred was on his face, and his hand was curled into a tight fist.
    “You too?!”
    No one wanted to listen to me. No one believed me. Granted, I was from another world, and the common sensibilities of this land were a mystery to me. But even then, I was not the type of person to force myself on a woman. No way!
    Ugh…it was making me sick. Even the owner of the weapon shop started to look like her .
    I could probably kill him with a well-placed punch. My hand was also curled into a fist. I glared at him.
    “… You…”
    “What? Weren’t you gonna hit me or something?”
    His hand relaxed, and he didn’t seem as on-edge.
    “Uh… well, never mind.”
    “Gee, thanks a bunch.”
    Right then, even though I was weak, I thought I could punch everyone I met.
    But I stopped myself. What good would that do? I needed to focus on leveling up, and on making some money. If I focused my anger on the balloons, it would at least do me some good.
    “Wait just a second!”
    I was standing at the town gate, ready to leave for the fields, when the weapon shop guy called out to me again. I turned to him, and he tossed a small bag in my direction.
    “You’ll never make it dressed like that. At least take this.”
    I looked inside the bag. It contained a sooty cape, and some cheap clothes.
    “How much are these worth?”
    “Somewhere around 5 bronze pieces. I just had them in the back.”
    “Got it. I’ll bring you your money soon enough.”
    Honestly, I was starting to worry about going around in my underwear.
    “I’ll be waiting for that money.”
    “Sure you will.”
    I flung the cape over my shoulders, changed into the clothes, and made for the fields.
    I decided to base myself out in those fields, and to hunt balloons.
    It took about 5 minutes to kill one of them, but they weren’t able to hurt me, so all it took was time.
    I spent most of the day fighting, and was able to secure a substantial amount of balloon skins.

    Level up!
    You are now level 2

    Orange Shield: conditions met
    Yellow Shield: conditions met

    I spent the rest of the day carefully reading up on my preparations.
    Just as the sun was going down, I realized that I was hungry. I trudged back to the gate and made for the shop I’d been told would buy my battle loot.
    A portly man stood behind the counter. He was laughing heartily as he looked me over. He was going to turn me away. I could tell.
    There was another customer there also, already selling loot, among which I spotted some balloon skins.
    “Yes, yes. How about one bronze piece for two of these skins?”
    They were deciding on a price for the balloon

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