The Sheikh's Reunion Bride (Qazhar Sheikhs 4)
these kinds of conditions."
    "I'm sure he's had plenty of experience ferrying around your various lovers," Mia said sharply, surprised at herself for a moment. She saw Rafiq's brows furrow. Had he really deserved that, she asked herself. Mia realized she was more nervous than she had anticipated. This whole idea was crazy. Surely she didn't have to go all the way to Qazhar. Brad had been persuasive. There was nothing else they could do if they were going to clear up this whole mess. Mia would have to spend at least a few days in Qazhar going over the figures. But, she was determined that was all there was going to be about to the visit. No matter what Rafiq's intentions, this was a business obligation. Mia was resolute about that.  
    The plane slowed and positioned itself for take-off. Then the engines roared and Mia felt her body pressed back against the soft seat. Her gaze flickered out into the darkness and then across at Rafiq. She saw that he was watching her intently, a vague concern in his gaze.
    "Okay?" he asked Mia.
    "Of course," she replied defiantly. "Why wouldn't I be?"
    "Just that you seem slightly nervous," Rafiq said, his eyes narrowing. "Are you a nervous flyer, or is the prospect of a few days in Qazhar so objectionable to you?"
    There was a sudden lurch and the plane lifted. Mia felt her body shift in her seat, and she swallowed quickly, taking the moment to consider her reply. She hadn't spoken to Rafiq in the car on the way to the airport. They had sat next to each other in the back seat of his limousine, a cold, stony silence between them like a physical wall. She knew it had been caused by what had happened the previous night in Rafiq's penthouse at the hotel. She hoped he had gotten the message loud and clear. Mia had moved on, even if Rafiq had so obviously not.
    At least that was the mantra she had chanted to herself as she had made her way back home the previous night. But, no matter how many times she had repeated those words to herself, the feeling had persisted that Rafiq's touch had reawakened something long buried, something Mia didn't want to admit was still a lingering presence. Her mind rejected Rafiq, rebuffed every one of his arguments, every one of his approaches, but her treacherous body had betrayed Mia, reacting to his caresses as if they had both been separated by mere days, instead of years.
    The plane shifted, heading in a southerly direction. Mia wondered how they were going to pass the time in the hours it would take to fly to Qazhar.  
    Rafiq raised a brow, awaiting Mia's answer to his query.
    "I love travel," she announced hoping that her voice didn't sound too shaky. "Although, I haven't been to your part of the world."
    Rafiq smiled. "I think you'll like it. Apart from anything else, the weather is much more conducive to a relaxed lifestyle."  
    "Brad has told me all about his trips," she said. "He always makes it sound so exotic."
    "Exotic?" Rafiq said looking oddly perturbed. "That is such a difficult word."
    "What do you mean?"
    "It carries so many different associations. Your brother is a very perceptive man. I'm sure his use of the word is wholly innocent."
    "Why would you find it offensive?"
    "I didn't say I found it offensive. Just that it makes us sound almost barbarous. Even, primitive."
    Rafiq's gaze darkened slightly. Mia wondered how he could be so sensitive about such a simple word. Although, she had to admit there were times when Rafiq did indeed look feral and even primal. He had a sensuously dangerous appeal that Mia was sure most women would find impossible to resist. She shifted in her chair and saw the light above Rafiq change.  
    She loosened her seat belt. Rafiq did the same with his own. She saw him glance down at her as she stretched her body, feeling the tension ease away. Her legs extended and her foot briefly brushed against Rafiq's leg.  
    There was a sudden shift in the plane as it flew through some turbulence. Mia gripped the side of her chair

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