The Sheikh's Reunion Bride (Qazhar Sheikhs 4)
and glanced out the window, although it was too dark to see anything. The turbulence continued for a few moments and then finally the small plane stopped rocking from side to side as it emerged above the clouds and into a steady airstream.
    Rafiq leaned across and laid a hand on Mia's arm. "Okay?" he said, concern written on his features. His dark eyes gazed at her, and she felt something soft shift inside her now that he was closer to her.
    Mia nodded.
    "Can I get you a drink?"
    Mia shook her head. "I'm fine, thank you."
    "Nonsense," Rafiq said playfully. "We're going to be having a meal very soon. It'll be okay to at least enjoy a soft drink. You know I don't drink alcohol. Although I do sometimes make an exception to that rule."
    "Don't like losing control?" Mia challenged, immediately regretting her tone. It was all too easy to take everything Rafiq said as a potential challenge. He merely smiled at her comment and stood, moving to the galley, stepping into the space where Mia had seen the flight assistant. She couldn't hear what was being said, but after a few moments Rafiq returned.  
    "Alina will bring our food very shortly," he said sitting down.
    "Has she been with you a long time?" Mia asked, realizing that asking Rafiq about any woman in his life was a dangerous thing to do.
    "Two years. She is very efficient. She worked in my family's palace for a time before looking after me on my infrequent journeys."
    Mia nodded. "How are your family?"
    Rafiq seemed pleased at her curiosity about his family. The truth was Mia already knew enough about them that it was almost unnecessary to ask such a question. But, anything which could keep the conversation on a polite level was welcome as far as Mia was concerned.  
    "My family are all very well," Rafiq said with more than a hint of pride in his voice. "My parents are as busy with their formal duties as ever. My cousins all got married recently." Rafiq shrugged and sighed. "That was the talk of the kingdom. The famous Al Kharif brothers all getting wed."
    "It sounds wonderful," Mia said.
    Rafiq frowned. "Unfortunately it has only served to put ideas of matrimony into my parents' heads," he said, shaking his head. "My other two brothers are in a state of almost pure panic."
    Mia squinted at Rafiq. "Why would they panic?"
    Rafiq narrowed his eyes. "Let's just say that Tazim and Malik all enjoy their bachelor existence a little too much for their own good."
    "Three brothers," Mia exclaimed. "Your parents must be so proud."
    "Not so proud that they don't have their own opinions about how we live our lives. My brothers each keep themselves busy in...shall we say...interesting ways."
    Mia frowned. "You're making me curious," she teased leaning forward.
    Rafiq scowled. "Don't get any ideas."
    "What are you talking about?" Mia exclaimed, making sure he heard how shocked she was.
    Rafiq straightened and drew in an impatient breath. "You'll be too busy to spend much time with any of them. Although my parents have insisted that you stay at their palace during your visit."
    "I was going to suggest I could stay in a hotel," Mia replied.
    Rafiq's eyes widened and his mouth opened into a shocked circle. "Absolutely not!" he ejaculated. "My father in particular would be most offended if you didn't stay with us."
    "The last thing I'd want to do is offend your parents. Don't you have your own place?" Mia asked.
    Rafiq laughed slightly, his eyes bright with amusement. "My own "place", as you call it, is a palace on the outskirts of Qazhar City."
    Mia rolled her eyes. "I forgot. You're a sheikh. Of course you have your own palace. That's what sheikhs have, isn't it?"
    Rafiq narrowed his gaze at Mia. "You are making fun of me?"
    Mia tucked her chin and peered at Rafiq. "Of course I am. Am I not allowed to do that? Or have I broken some unspoken rule?" Mia made sure the last question was uttered with a pretend coquettish tone. She could immediately see that Rafiq didn't like being made fun off.

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