The Sheikh's Reunion Bride (Qazhar Sheikhs 4)
    Not at all.
    It didn't matter. For some strange reason she couldn't put her finger on, Mia liked to see him being made suddenly awkward.
    Rafiq sighed and she saw his shoulders stiffen. He paused before replying. He gazed at her, and she could see that he had detected her defiance. "Of course you can say what you like to me, Mia."
    Why did she suddenly like the sound of her name on his tongue? With his accent, her name sounded so appealing, especially the way his voice had dropped to a soft growl.
    Rafiq leaned forward, and she could see the strength of his shoulders, the breadth of his chest, the firm set of his mouth, the searing scrutiny of his gaze. When he spoke his voice was commanding, as if what he said was beyond any possibility of disagreement.
    "There are no rules here, Mia. You know that, don't you. There never have been any barriers between us," he said.
    Mia felt her heart race faster, felt the blood pulse around her veins. Rafiq was so close now that she could hear his breathing above the soft whine of the plane's engines. What could she say to that? How on earth could she possibly respond to such a statement? All she could do was ask a simple question. As she prepared to do so, she tried to sink back deeper into her chair. She laughed to herself. As if there was any chance of keeping Rafiq at bay! But, she knew she had to say something.
    "What kind of rules are you talking about, Rafiq?"
    His eyes narrowed and the corner of his mouth curled with a minor appreciative victory. "You and I are free to say and do what we want with each other. Aren't we?"
    Mia swallowed and gazed at Rafiq. "I don't know what you mean," she said.
    One of Rafiq's brows twisted sardonically. "Come now, Mia. You've made it plain you intend to keep me at arms length."
    Mia gasped. "I don't know what you're talking about."
    Rafiq shook his head. "You know perfectly well what I'm referring to. Every effort I make to get reacquainted is firmly pushed back by you. It's just like that summer at your parents' house."
    Rafiq slid forward until he was at the edge of his seat. He reached across and placed his hand on Mia's left arm. She felt a galvanic shock race up her arm, even though the fabric of her jacket protected her from the feel of his skin. She glanced into Rafiq's eyes searching for any hint of his intent, needing to be sure that he wasn't playing with her the way he had done so many summers ago. Mia saw fierce resolve in the dark, limpid pools that gazed back at her. His lips moved and she noted the moistness of them. She felt something wrench at her, and she had a sudden urge, the need to submit for a brief moment of scandalous pleasure. But, she immediately forced down that fickle temptation deeper into a dark corner of her awareness.
    Mia saw Rafiq react, as if he could read her mind. She glanced down at Rafiq's hand, seeing the strength in those fingers. She drove away the thoughts of what those fingers could do to her. Images of their movement across her body made the heat travel to other parts of her body, other areas that hadn't known such warmth.
    Mia straightened and stared at Rafiq. "There is no reason for us to get reacquainted," she blurted out quickly.
    "The summer?" he asked simply. "Have you forgotten?"
    "I haven't. But, as I told you last night. The past is the past. Let's leave it where it belongs," Mia said. Her heart was racing and every word she uttered made her pulse skip a beat.
    Rafiq's expression froze and he merely regarded her as if she had put in place a wall, one that he refused to acknowledge, a barrier that would not hold him back.
    Rafiq nodded and gave Mia a wry smile. "Perhaps after a meal and some rest we can resume our pleasant conversation. I'm sure there's some business affairs you wish to discuss."
    Was he admitting defeat so easily? The Rafiq of previous years wouldn't have been as responsive to her wishes. That Rafiq would have tried to seduce Mia, attempted to overcome her objections. What

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