husband, wife and Jesus. It is such a safe place of worship that there is no place for the enemy. IS will get so displaced that he won't find his way back as long as both partners stay within the protection of the holy triangle!"
Casie said, "With all this being said, I know that there are times when we are to guard our hearts and to even set up boundaries with other people. Just not with God, our spouses or those godly relationships with people that we are to be connected to…like you." Casie reached over and squeezed Nicole's shoulder. "Unless those people are requiring us to do something that would be contrary to God's Word and His holiness."
The ladies sat watching the workings of the town, and finally Nicole said, "Well I have hope that things can change now. I think that whatever God is doing in me, it's somehow related to His work here in Samaria. And it's a process, both for me and for Samaria. So Jesus, I'm willing to allow you to remove the scars or whatever you need to do in me." Then she said, "As far as Samaria goes, I think that Jesus wants us to continue what we started yesterday."
"I think so too," Casie said. "In Jesus name, I bind, blind and deafen all seeker, scanner and eavesdropping spirits; and Lord God, we ask for protection, wisdom and discernment as we seek Your guidance in setting our community free from the strongholds of the devil."
"Amen!" Nicole agreed. She began voicing the thoughts coming to her mind. "Even though we know that IS is the ruling principality here, he has spirits that work under him. We have such an overabundance of addictions which cause poverty, laziness, violence, guilt, shame, mental and physical illness and abuse of all kinds. I think that the strongman or power behind these things could be Behemoth as described in Job, the god of the belly or Gluttony."
"I think the key word you just used is 'overabundance,'" Casie said.
"You're right. Gluttony or unrestrained passion and desire is so prevalent within our nation that I think we all entertain this spirit to some degree without realizing it. I know I sure battle with it in different areas of my life such as in the area of food or materialism. I find that fasting helps me to recognize and defeat it."
"Yes, I can see Behemoth as a strongman in our community and beyond," Casie said. "IS sure seems confident in his ability to control, dominate and manipulate people, even Christians through spirits like this one."
"You're not talking about demon possession in Christians, are you?" Nicole asked. "Because possession has to do with ownership and those who belong to Christ can't belong to Satan."
"I would call it oppression," Casie said. "A Christian's spirit may belong to Jesus, but their souls (mind, will, emotions) and bodies are still able to open doors for unclean spirits through hidden or unrepented sin, or through generational curses that were passed down but that go unnoticed or are ignored.
"At any rate, once a door is opened in the soul or body, you can be pretty sure that a demon will enter and claim legal rights to be there. So while a Christian is not possessed by Satan, they can be under the influence of demons or controlled by them in areas of their lives that are not submitted to the Holy Spirit. This doesn't cancel out the person's free will. They still choose their actions."
"I think we're on the same page here," Nicole agreed. The story teller in her said, "I see Satan like a sneaky squatter who lurks nearby waiting for the door of a rented house to be left open. The owner of this house is either God or Satan, and we are the renter.
"The renter may have been aware or not, that he left the door open, but he is completely unaware of the squatter who believed that the open door was his legal grounds for entering, and who happily took up residence in the basement or dark corners of the house.
"The squatter strategically creeps out of his hiding place and
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