spirit. I wish everyone could see how ugly it truly is!" Nicole said. "I wish people could understand that IS's appeal is all a false front that leads to destruction on so many levels."
As the women drove away, Blindness and Confusion were terrified of the punishment that would soon come upon them. They had failed…
Nicole and Casie parked the truck at the bottom of the hill and decided to walk to the park to pray as they had planned. As they were walking, Nicole voiced a concern that had been turning around in the back of her mind and was finally making itself heard.
"Casie, I know that God has shown us that IS is the principality over Samaria, but I know that it has something to do with me personally as well. I just don't know what it is."
She told Casie about the attack in the night, and then continued. "It concerns me that IS is a familiar spirit to me. I don't want him and I've done everything I know to do, but I'm not free. I know that if I am going to be a part of overcoming this principality here, I have to be set free myself first.
"Wow, just listen to me," Nicole said. "I don't feel like I'm in bondage to a sexual spirit. I don't have uncontrollable sexual desires. In fact I hardly have any at all."
Casie didn't know what to say and so she just began to pray in her prayer language. All of a sudden she stopped walking and asked, "Could it be that a lack of sexual desire for your husband is the work of IS? Like the extreme opposite? I don't know; that question just came to me."
Nicole stopped and turned toward Casie. "Well, I thought it was menopause," she chuckled, "but seriously, you could be right. It would be like Satan to hide behind a symptom like that and to take it to the opposite extreme if he can't have his way with his first choice."
They resumed their walk and Casie said, "The other thing you may want to pray about are the scars."
"The scars?"
"When people are wounded, scars often remain," Casie explained.
"But Jesus healed my wounds," Nicole said.
"Yes He did heal them from the inside out. But are there scars? Scars can be like calluses or hard coverings on the surface of the heart. Or like walls that we build up around us to keep relationships or others at an emotional distance so that we don't get hurt in the same way again."
"But Jesus had scars. I didn't think they were bad."
Casie said, "The scars that Jesus has are to prove His love for us and to cause us to want to draw near to Him when we realize the price He paid so that we could have an intimate relationship with Him. He never uses them to keep us away."
The two women arrived at the park and sat quietly on the bench in the shade of the large oak tree while Nicole pondered what Casie had said.
After several minutes of soul searching, she said, "You're right, Casie. There are emotional scars around my heart that I have used to insulate and isolate myself, even from my husband. I never saw it before, but I realize now that I've been presenting a false front that is perverted and far from true worship, like I was saying earlier. I keep thinking about the vision Jesus gave me this morning of my bare, naked heart and how beautiful it was when I allowed it to be connected with His heart. I need to be that emotionally vulnerable with Jake. I need Jesus to tear down the walls I've been hiding behind and allow myself to connect with Jake the way I did with Jesus."
Casie placed her hand on Nicole's shoulder and looked into her eyes. "And that is what will overcome the power of IS from hindering intimacy with your husband."
Nicole suddenly smiled. "That's right because when there are no emotional barriers between a wife's heart and a husband's heart, they will merge in soul as well as body the way God designed, which connects them both with God's heart. That's worship! I see it so clearly now! It's like a holy triangle consisting of
Elizabeth Bright
Viola Grace
Donald Harstad
Rachel Schurig
Marjorie M. Liu
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Ivy Simone