The Soul Redeemer: From Victim to Victory

The Soul Redeemer: From Victim to Victory by Nancy Bowser Page B

Book: The Soul Redeemer: From Victim to Victory by Nancy Bowser Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nancy Bowser
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leaves enticing gifts for the renter.  As the gifts are accepted, the squatter comes out of hiding more regularly with more appealing gifts, until he hardly has to hide at all. 
    "The renter doesn't notice the squatter, just the gifts that he has come to rely on.  And he doesn't notice that the squatter is beginning to control his life as he steals, kills and destroys.  The renter doesn't associate the destruction with the gifts because he loves them. 
    "The squatter, who now claims ownership, although illegitimately, continues to live there and to rule until he is recognized and bound, like Jesus explained in Mark 3:27.  Once he is bound, then this strongman can be evicted, but his gifts must go along with him."
    "Yep.  Good analogy," Casie said.  "Some people think that Jesus always kicks out the demons when they get saved, and that may happen sometimes.  But I believe that if they have been given a place even unknowingly, we have to repent from the sin, and then recognize and renounce the lies we've been acting on that lead to the sin.  And then we need to kick the demons out along with all their perks, or they will sit there tempting us, hoping that we will continue to believe the lies and practice the sin."
    "I've noticed that many new Christians repent of sin and begin to walk with Jesus, and then they start to slip back into their old ways."  Nicole said, "I've never really thought of it before, but most new believers are taught to ask forgiveness and to repent, but are not taught to cast out the unclean spirits that are the promoters and carriers of the sin.  No wonder they get pulled back into their old life style!"
    "True," Casie said, "But remember that deliverance is a process.  This is exactly why we need a discipleship center.  It takes a lot of time and training for new believers who have been in such bondage to learn the truth from the lies; to know the voice of the Shepherd from the enemy's; to identify the open doors for the devil and how to shut those; to be so saturated with the Word of God that it gets deep down into their spirit and soul.  It's difficult for this to happen and for them to maintain their freedom with just church once or twice a week." 
    Nicole suddenly laughed.  "Just listen to us talking about Christians being held in bondage.  Boy oh boy, Casie.  I hope God knew what He was doing when He introduced us because I have a feeling that we're going to upset a lot of people!"
    Casie laughed at the thought as well then said, "Seriously though, I recently did a study on the Jezebel spirit, a power under IS, and it is one of the most prevalent, powerful and evil demonic spirits influencing Christians and our churches." 
    Nicole recalled, "In the Old Testament, the woman Jezebel was an Israelite queen who operated in worship of Baal and Asherah, and was steeped in witchcraft, which is manipulation and control.  She took control of her husband's responsibilities and basically ruled his kingdom for him.  She killed all of God's prophets except for Elijah.  I think that the spirit of Jezebel was around long before this wicked queen." 
    "That's right," Casie said.  "Jezebel was just a woman who was so dominated by this spirit that it just about destroyed the whole nation of Israel.  In Revelation 2:20-23, Jesus gave her name to this same spirit that was corrupting His church through their tolerance of another woman that was operating under its influence.
    "This religious spirit is still active today in homes, churches and politics, or any where that it can usurp authority and begin to operate under its own power and control.  I believe that this is one major reason there are so many broken homes and ineffective churches.  I think that this ancient spirit was involved in tempting Eve in usurping God's authority and taking matters into her own hands."
    "That makes sense," Nicole considered thoughtfully.  "In Genesis 3:16, God responded to Eve's disobedience and rebellion by

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