Trapped!: The 2031 Journal of Otis Fitzmorgan

Trapped!: The 2031 Journal of Otis Fitzmorgan by Bill Doyle Page A

Book: Trapped!: The 2031 Journal of Otis Fitzmorgan by Bill Doyle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bill Doyle
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    “That's about the craziest thing I've ever heard. No one's ever done anything like that,” Crockett said, but I could set the
     excitement in his eyes.
    Charlotte just grinned. “I'm in,” she said.
    “ Let's do it.” I opened an eye wide and moved the contact closer.
    “No!” Lysa cried.
    I stopped. “Lysa, it's okay. Do you want me to go over the plan again?”
    “I just don't get it!”

    We were all gathered on Level 2 next to the fake statue.
    “Okay,” I said. “Here's the plan. Since Yves's contact can still be used, I'm going to wear it so I can connect to his 'quist.”
    “But people use 'quists to connect to the Net, and that's where the virus trigger is!” Lysa paused to bite her thumbnail.
     “It's too dangerous to go back online.”
    “You're right,” I told her. “But I don't have to. You can also use 'quists to access nearby databases wirelessly.”
    “But how do you Know which one is safe?”
    “There is only one computer database that I know I can trust: my own.” I knew all the journals my family had kept over the
     years were secure because my hard drive had never been hooked up to the Net.
    “But why do we have to do it in here?” Lysa swept her arms out, indicating the copy of ESCAPE BY A HAIR. I'd turned on the
     overhead lights, but even they couldn't dispel the gloom. “That statue is so creepy.”
    “Because I can use the 'quist to reprogram the nano-material from the fake statue.”
    “To do what?”
    “Like I said before, I can reshape it into … into …” It sounded too crazy to say it again, and I couldn't finish my sentence.
     “You'll just have to trust me on that point,” I told her, and put the contact in my eye before I could think about it anymore.
    Instantly, a flickering screen popped up. It was like someone had laid a sheet of clear plastic over half my vision. There
     was a small blinking target symbol.
    Charlotte asked, “Are you okay?”
    “I think so,” I lifted my hand, and the target symbol whizzed away. “Wow. That was fast.”
    Lysa said, “You must have used Gesture Technology before.”
    “Sure, but never this close up.” The microchip in Yves's contact allowed the use of Gesture Technology in place of a mouse
     or a keyboard. But normally when you buy a 'quist, there's a two-week training program so you can get used to operating it,
     kind of like taking driver's ed before you get your license.
    I moved my hand more slowly and sent the target symbol over to the file options. A blinking question mark appeared on the
    WHO ARE YOU? a small voice asked inside my head. This must be Yves's 'quist device.
    I moved my lips silently in response. “Otis.”
    “I don't want access privileges. This is an emergency. I need help.”
    There was a beep, and then the voice said, EMERGENCY
    “Will this harm the owner of the 'quist?”
Question 905:
    Gesture Technology (GT) turns eye blinks, head movements, finger flicks, or other gestures into computer commands. It's been
     decades since it replaced the mouse as the way to move things around on a computer screen. But only recently have systems
     become accurate enough to pick
    up on 99.9 percent of possible gestures. What group of people prompted such huge strides in development?
    A . People with physical challenges that limit their body movements
    Video garners who demand instant responses to keep up with the action
    C . Office managers and others who need to organize data quickly
    B is the answer! Video gaming is one of the most popular forms of entertainment and generates tons of money for new development.
    “NO!” I shouted out loud. Beyond the screen, I could see my three friends jump slightly at the sound of my voice.

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