Web of Deceit
didn’t see
    Beth scrutinizes
the apartment biting the inside of her lower lip. “Well, it’s full now. So,
let’s find something that stands out.”
    Irritated, Franks
says, “Like a full apartment that was empty.”
    They continue to
search the apartment, but find nothing.
    “This place is so
perfect it looks like a showroom,” Frank says.
    “Yeah, too
perfect.” Beth sits on the sofa. Nothing can hide under this sofa. It sets
directly on the floor without any legs. Her eye catches a dark speck on the
beige fabric. How did that get there? Is that grease? She kneels
down to inspect a smudge of grease near the floor. “Frank,” Beth says. “Help me
tip this couch upside down.” Sure enough, the grease is on the bottom and side
of the sofa. “Keep your eyes open.  There may be grease on something else.”
    Ignoring Frank’s
puzzled expression, she focuses on her search. They search ten more minutes but
find nothing more. Hey, how about the bed? That would be heavy and long like
the couch. In the bedroom, she has Frank help her remove the mattress and
box springs from the bed.
    “Aha, more grease,
just as I thought,” Beth says, delighted, “a smudge—just enough to prove that
you’re not insane, Frank.”
    “What do you
    “Kelly is a
starving actress. She doesn’t have a car. Her house is impeccable. Not one
thing out of order. That’s funny—it’s the second time today I have seen this.
Anyway, no sign of a dust ball or a cobweb. Yet, we find grease on her couch
and bed. I believe you, Frank. Someone moved her out and then moved her back
in. They must have been wearing greasy clothes or somehow brushed the furniture
against it.”
    “Why would someone
do that?”
    “Got me. This
whole day feels like something out of the twilight zone,” Beth replies. “Hey,
did Odell say who he had close last night?”
    “Yeah. Kelly,”
    “Hmm, she closed
last night and opened this morning. That was mean. What is he doing, trying to
make her quit?” Beth asks. “Cash box was perfect, not even missing a penny. I
think we’ve stumbled onto something really big, Frank. Can you keep the grease
off the record for now?” Beth asks. “Don’t even tell Chip. OK?”
    “Yeah, o’course,”
Frank says. “If I share the information I’ve got now, the only thing it’ll
prove is I’ve sucked you into my delusion.”
    Beth gives Frank
an understanding expression and pats him on the back. “I assure you, I don’t
get sucked into anything.”
    *   *   *
    “Thanks Berny.”
Beth says, giving the key to the apartment manager behind his desk. “What do
you remember about the grandmother?”
    “Not much, except
she dressed kinda old fashioned and was real proper. That’s all that sticks out
right now.”
    Beth hands him her
card. “If you think of anything …”
    Berny butts in.
“Yeah, I know, call ya. I watch CSI all the time.”
    “Great,” she fakes
a smile. A professional.
    Frank winks at
Beth, letting her know he feels the same way. “I’ll be in touch with ya,” he
says to Berny as they leave.

6: Web of Deception
    Oh, what a tangled
web we weave,
    When first we
practice to deceive. Sir Walter Scott
    Beth unlocks her office
door, trudges in, and collapses into her executive leather office chair.Unlocking
the bottom right drawer, she pulls out the materials she collected at Vicky’s
house. She sighs. “Boy, today has been unbelievable.” She notices the light for
her phone’s mailbox blinking as she reaches to turn on her desk lamp.
    She presses the
mailbox play button.
    An emulated,
monotone female voice says, “You have three messages. Message number one …”
    “Hey Beth, it’s
Sam. Kyle and I decided to take a trip to the Bahamas. I’ll call you in a week
or so when I get back. Later,” Sam’s happy voice says.
    “Message deleted.
Message number two …”
    “Hey hon, it’s
Elliot. Got the car. I’m head’n back home. Give me a call

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