Wild Rekindled Love
daughter and I’m done letting you shut me out of her life.”
    “But nothing, Jamie. I will have a relationship with her even if you and I can’t stand to be in each other’s company anymore.”
    Anger clouded his face before he spun on his heels and disappeared down the stairs. The front door slammed behind him and she jumped.
    Fighting the urge to bang her head against the wall behind her in frustration, she closed her eyes and sighed. Son of a bitch! Now what the hell am I going to do?

Chapter Five

    Bright and early the following morning, Wyatt stood on the stoop, his Harley at the curb when she answered the bell.
    “I came by to see Sam.”
    “I figured as much. It’s not like you are here to see me.” She stepped aside and allowed him to enter. “Would you like some coffee? Sam’s not awake yet.”
    “I’ll be right back,” she said before she headed toward the kitchen. When she reached the countertop near the coffeepot, she stopped to take a few ragged breaths.
    Damn it! Why does he have to affect me like this? Just the smell of his freshly washed hair and the hint of his own unique musky scent had her heart hammering against her ribs. Her hands shook when she tried to pour him a cup of coffee and she splashed some of the scalding liquid over her hand. “Son of a bitch!”
    “Everything okay?”
    “Yes. I just burned my hand.”
    A moment later, he stood by her side. Grasping her hand in his, he turned it over and inspecting the red skin. He pulled her closer to the sink and turned on the water. “Here. Hold it under the cold water for a minute.”
    She hissed as the liquid hit her heated skin. “That hurts.”
    “It’s the best thing for a burn. It’ll feel better in a minute.”
    Never mind the fact that his touch is heating up the rest of my body to a boiling temperature.
    Capturing her lips between her teeth, she swallowed hard and shifted her glance to his profile for a second. He focused on her hand so she had a chance to study him. Lashes any woman would kill for covered his amazing eyes. The color had always fascinated her from the first moment they’d locked gazes. The bump over the bridge of his nose hadn’t been there before and his face seemed slimmer now than it had been at twenty. His lips still held the same fullness and promise of passion. Whiskers shadowed his jaw and a tick appeared when he clenched his teeth.
    “Stop looking at me like that, Jamie,” he whispered without looking at her.
    “Like what?” she murmured.
    “Mmm…let’s see.” He turned slightly and lifted his face, locking his gaze with hers. “Like you want a repeat of last night.”
    “Maybe I do.”
    He inhaled sharply and let go of her hand. “You’ve turned into a real tease.”
    “I’m not…” Her words were cut off as they heard Samantha yell from upstairs. “I’ll be right there, baby.” She dried off her hand, before she turned to head back toward the living room and the stairs. Once she reached the bottom, she wasn’t surprised to see Wyatt right behind her.
    “I think I can handle this, Wyatt. I have been taking pretty good care of her for the last nine years.”
    “Only because you wouldn’t allow me to.”
    With hands on her hips and legs planted apart, she grumbled, “You knew where we were. It’s not like I’ve moved.”
    His eyes narrowed into agitated slits. “You aren’t pinning this whole thing on me. You forced me out of your life. I didn’t have a lot of choice in the matter, if I remember correctly.”
    “It doesn’t matter right now. My daughter needs me.”
    She took two steps up as she heard behind her, “ Our daughter needs us. ” Sighing heavily, she continued up the stairs until she reached Samantha’s bedroom and knocked softly. She pushed open the door and found her daughter sitting up in the bed.
    The turquoise blue eyes lit up when they rested on the man behind her. “Wyatt!”
    “Hi, pumpkin.”
    “What are you doing

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