Wild Rekindled Love

Wild Rekindled Love by Sandy Sullivan Page B

Book: Wild Rekindled Love by Sandy Sullivan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sandy Sullivan
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance, Adult, Western
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“I’m fine, pumpkin. You just look so much like your mom when you smile.”
    She shrugged. “I’m cursed with the Wilder dimples.”
    “They aren’t a curse. Trust me. You’ll be wrapping boys around your little finger in no time with those things.”
    “Yeah, really.”
    “Do you like mom’s?” she asked when they reached the barn.
    “That’s not a fair question, young lady.”
    “Why not? I know you like her.”
    “Do you.”
    Eyes rolled and she said, “It’s obvious, Wyatt. You can’t keep your eyes off her when you are in the same room. I don’t know why you don’t just date her.”
    “Maybe she doesn’t want to date me.”
    She giggled when they approached the stall where a pretty little chestnut mare poked her head over the wall and Samantha ran her hand over the horse’s nose. “Yeah, right. She wants to be with you, too.”
    He couldn’t believe he stood there having this conversation with their daughter while she gave him advice on her mother. “Well, we’ll see what happens. I’m not counting my chickens. Your mother can hardly stand to be in the same room with me.”
    “Whatever, Wyatt. I know my mom better than that. She’s got the hots for you.”
    A roar of laughter burst from his lips he asked, “The hots?”
    With a quick nod and a roll of her eyes, she said, “You haven’t been around kids very much, huh.” She sighed before she continued, “You know—attracted to you—wants to get you in the sack.”
    “Samantha Renee Wilder!” Jamie exclaimed from the doorway.
    Samantha cringed and whispered to Wyatt, “Oops. Busted.” She turned and looked at her mother. “Hi, Mom.”
    “You did not just tell Wyatt I want to get him in the sack.”
    Samantha shrugged and looked at him, her eyes twinkling with mischief. “Yep.”
    His gaze rested on the obviously unhappy Jamie as she approached with long strides and he had to laugh. If Samantha only knew what they had done last night, she would realize, at least he had the ‘hots’ for her mom.
    “That’s about enough of that talk, young lady.”
    “Why? It’s the truth, isn’t it?”
    Jamie stopped dead in her tracks and stammered, “Well I…”
    “See! You can’t even deny it.”
    “What goes on between me and Wyatt is none of your business, Samantha.”
    “But I think he would make a cool dad.”
    “Wait just a minute. I think you’re getting way ahead of yourself,” he said as he slipped his hands in the pocket of his jeans and resisted the urge to pull the girl into a hug.
    “I don’t see why. You are both attracted to each other.”
    “More goes into a relationship than just being attracted to someone, Sam. Your mom may already be seeing someone and it’s not fair…”
    “She’s not,” Samantha interrupted.
    Jamie sighed. “I don’t think Wyatt needs to know about other men in my life.”
    “There aren’t any other guys, Mom. You said yourself Uncle Chase won’t allow a guy to even look at you.”
    “We are not having this conversation, Samantha Renee.”
    Samantha leaned toward him and whispered, even though her voice was loud enough he knew Jamie heard her, “She always uses my middle name when she’s mad at me.”
    He chuckled as he got a kick out of Samantha sparring words with Jamie. His daughter definitely had his dry wit. “Ah, yes. The Wilder brother’s reputation you mentioned last night.”
    Jamie flushed bright red and he knew she remembered what happened after that, just like he did. He slid his arm around Samantha’s shoulders and pulled her to his side. “I think we need to give your mom a break. We are kind of ganging up on her.”
    “Nah,” Samantha replied.
    With a quick glance at Jamie and he asked, “Why don’t you let me take you two out for breakfast?”
    “I don’t think…”
    “Come on, Mom. If the guy wants to take us out, let him!”
    Jamie scowled as her eyes locked on Samantha.
    “Please?” The corners of

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