Wild Rekindled Love

Wild Rekindled Love by Sandy Sullivan Page A

Book: Wild Rekindled Love by Sandy Sullivan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sandy Sullivan
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance, Adult, Western
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    “I came to check on you again since you weren’t feeling too well last night.” He moved to the side of the bed and took a seat next to her before he put his hand on her forehead. “Your fever is better, I see.”
    “I feel a lot better today.”
    Twin sets of blue eyes pinned Jamie where she stood as Samantha said, “Mom? I want to get up.”
    “I think you need to stay there today.”
    “But, I feel fine now and I want to show Brandy to Wyatt.”
    “Brandy?” he asked, shooting Jamie a glance.
    “Her mare. The one she fell off of the other day at the rodeo.”
    His gaze swung back to the little girl. “What were you doing that you fell off? I never got a chance to ask you at the hospital the other day.”
    “I ride barrels.”
    “Really? Are you any good?”
    Samantha’s shoulders pulled back smugly. “Yeah. I’m number two in the area right now.”
    “Number two, huh?” He smiled proudly as his eyes twinkled.
    Samantha frowned. “Yeah. Olivia Aslin is number one, but I’ll get by her before the end of the season. How long do I have to wear this thing?” She lifted her still splinted arm.
    “Probably about six weeks at least.”
    “Can I ride with it?”
    “You’ll have to ask the other doctor that, but my guess is no.”
    “But, Mom?”
    Jamie answered, “We’ll have to ask the doctor, baby. If he says no, then it’s no. I imagine Wyatt knows what he’s talking about since he’s a doctor, too.”
    Samantha stubbornly crossed her arms over her chest as another frown pulled down the corners of her mouth. “Can’t you talk to him, Wyatt? If I have to stay in this thing and not be able to ride, I’ll lose for sure.”
    “Well don’t jump to conclusions until you talk to him and he can see the pictures I had taken the other day, okay?”
    “All right. I guess I don’t have much choice, huh.”
    A soft chuckle left his lips. “Not really, pumpkin.”
    “I don’t want to stay in this bed though, Mom. Can’t I get up? Plleeease?” Jamie could rarely tell her daughter no, especially when she pinned her with the eyes that were so much like her father’s.
    “All right.”
    “Yes!” Samantha flipped the covers back and jumped from the bed in one swift motion.
    “But, you aren’t doing anything heavy today. And you aren’t going to Ashley’s.”
    Jamie folded her arms across her chest. “No buts young lady. It’s all or nothing.”
    “Okay.” Samantha hugged her and Jamie wrapped her arms around her daughter as her eyes met Wyatt’s over the little girl’s head. Samantha pulled out of her arms and looked up at her. “Can I show Wyatt, Brandy?”
    “I guess that would be okay.”
    Samantha flashed a dimpled smile at Wyatt before she grabbed her clothes and disappeared into the bathroom.
    “She’s a hand full.” Wyatt’s amused smile rippled across his face.
    “No. Really? How did you guess?”
    “Like her mother.”
    Jamie cocked an eyebrow at the man sitting on the side of the bed, but kept her mouth shut. She didn’t want to get into a big discussion with him right now. Samantha might hear something Jamie wasn’t ready for her to know.
    A moment later, the bathroom panel burst open and Samantha rushed out, dressed and ready. She grabbed Wyatt’s hand when she reached his side and pulled him to his feet. “Come on.”
    Jamie watched as the two of them disappeared. Rubbing her temples for a moment, she felt the beginnings of a headache, and she sighed heavily before she moved to follow.

    * * * *

    Sunlight reflected brightly off the metal siding on the barn as Wyatt allowed Samantha to lead him outside.
    “She’s in the stall in the barn.”
    “Well, let’s have a look then. I’m sure she beautiful.”
    Samantha flashed her dimples at him and he almost forgot to breath. They are so much like Jamie’s, it hurts to see them.
    “You okay?” she asked with a frown.
    Shaking his head for a second to clear his thoughts, he said,

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