Wizard's First Rule

Wizard's First Rule by Terry Goodkind

Book: Wizard's First Rule by Terry Goodkind Read Free Book Online
Authors: Terry Goodkind
Tags: Fiction, General, Fantasy
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into it? Why did you have to tell everyone about it? Why did you use her like that?”
    Michael put an arm around Richard’s shoulder. “I know it hurts, and I am sorry, but it’s for a greater good. Did you see the tears in their eyes? The things I’ve started are going to take us all to a better life, and help Westland grow to prominence. I believe what I said; we have to look to the challenge of the future with excitement, not fear.”
    “And what did you mean about the boundaries?”
    “Things are changing, Richard. I have to stay ahead of them.” The smile was gone. “That’s all I meant. The boundaries won’t last forever. I don’t think they were ever meant to. We all have to be ready to face up to that.”
    Richard changed the subject. “What have you found out about Father’s murder? Have the trackers picked up anything?”
    Michael took his arm back. “Grow up, Richard. George was an old fool. He was always picking up things that didn’t belong to him. He probably got caught with something that belonged to the wrong person. A person with a bad temper, and a big knife.”
    “That’s not true! And you know it!” Richard hated the way Michael called their father “George.” “He never stole anything in his life!”
    “Just because the person you take it from is long dead, that doesn’t mean you have any right to it. Someone else obviously wanted it back.”
    “How do you know all this?” Richard demanded. “What have you found out?”
    “Nothing! It’s common sense. The house was torn apart! Someone was looking for something. They didn’t find it, George wouldn’t tell them where it was, they killed him. That’s all there is to it. The trackers said there were no tracks. We’ll probably never know who did it.” Michael glared. “You had better learn to live with that fact.”
    Richard let out a deep breath. It made sense; someone was looking for something. He shouldn’t be angry with Michael because he couldn’t find out who. Michael had tried. Richard wondered how there could be no tracks.
    “I’m sorry. Maybe you’re right, Michael.” Another thought struck him. “So, it didn’t have anything to do with this conspiracy? It wasn’t those men trying to get to you?”
    Michael waved his hand. “No, no, no. It had nothing to do with that. That problem has been taken care of. Don’t worry about me, I’m safe, everything is all right.”
    Richard nodded. Michael’s face turned to a look of annoyance.
    “So, little brother, how come you’re such a mess? Couldn’t you at least clean yourself up? It’s not like you didn’t have notice. You have known about this party for weeks.”
    Before he could answer, Kahlan spoke up. Richard had forgotten she was still standing next to him.
    “Please forgive your brother, it was not his fault. He came to guide me into Hartland and I was late in coming. I pray he is not dishonored in your eyes because of me.”
    Michael’s eyes glided down the length of her before returning to her face. “And you are?”
    Her back stiffened as she stood tall. “I am Kahlan Amnell.”
    Michael gave a slight smile and a small bow of his head. “So, you are not my brother’s escort, as I thought. And where have you traveled from?”
    “It is a small place, far away. I am sure you would not know of it.”
    Michael didn’t challenge the answer, but turned to his brother instead. “You will stay the night?”
    “No. I have to go see Zedd. He’s been looking for me.”
    Michael’s smile melted. “You should find better friends. No good can come of spending your time with that contrary old man.” He turned back to Kahlan. “You, my dear, will be my guest tonight.”
    “I have other arrangements,” she said warily.
    Michael reached around her with both arms, cupped both hands to her bottom and pulled the lower half of her body hard against him. His leg pressed between her thighs.
    “Change them.” His smile was as cold as winter

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